ASAM OSI - WP2: Traffic Participants & Infrastructure



Vehicle detail in OSI

  • Host vehicle message in OSI is currently very limited
  • MovingObject currently has e.g. (speed, acceleration) but is missing e.g. Torque, RPM
    • OSI::Vehicle currently submitted as a pull request to the master branch
    • Already extended with GPS coordinates (in addition to the usual Cartesian coordinates)

Use cases categorised by :

  1. data that needs to be transported (i.e. as a package) vs. standardised parameters for data
  2. information that is relevant for the simulation environment outside of a vehicle (i.e. perceivable) vs. information that is internal to e.g. the vehicle

    OSI does not currently support "internal" data in the groundTruth

    "internal":​​​​​​ Non-perceivable quantities that are necessary to better represent the real world. e.g.:
    - GPS data
    - Vehicle data such as torque    
    - any other custom data (i.e. should be easily extendable to individual needs)    
    - For the sake of simplicity, restrict this to the ego vehicle

Use Cases

Use case 4. Studies in mockups or connecting a simulator to the simulation environment

DescriptionInternal data such as steering torque, RPM, etc. from vehicle need to be supported by OSI

Use case 5. V2X communication


Perceivable information that should be represented in the OSI groundTruth as well as in sensorData

Also need to consider the transmission or sender model


Use case 6. Use OSI as a measurement file

  • Standardized representations of objects to allow collaboration & exchange

  • The OSI File Format needs to be more clearly structured to further support this

    • This also has performance considerations to take into account, such as sending multiple messages in parallel

  • The content of the file needs to be extended to allow for more information exchange, e.g. Vehicle data


Use case 7. Exchange road specific information


Exchange road specific information between simulator and other objects (e.g. road localization relative to OpenDRIVE)

  • Content similar to that addressed by OpenDRIVE
  • OSI localization is in cartesian coordinates
  • OpenDRIVE road networks are represented in s-t coordinates
  • Reference line and lane information should be passed in OSI messages
  • Junction information in OSI does not currently contain lanes

Use case 8. Provide map information in OSI messages


Support traffic participants in navigation & localization by providing information from maps in OSI messages e.g. trajectory information

  • Content similar to that addressed by OpenSCENARIO

Use case 9. Model a traffic participant that includes OSI messages

DescriptionModel a traffic participant that includes OSI messages

Use case 10. Influence simulation objects via OSI interfaces to scenario engines




WP1: Sensor Modeling
WP 3: Performance & Packaging
WP 4: Harmonization with OpenX


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