ASAM OSI - WP1: Sensor Modelling



Parameters of a sensor model are currently not addressed directly by OSI

  • Additional attributes in a sensor model can currently be represented in e.g. FMI parameters when packaging in an FMU.

Attribute types:

  • Material properties (ground truth / environment description)
  • sensorView configuration

See e.g. link

Material properties must be representable with and without connected 3D geometries (certain use cases might not require 3d geometries, e.g. lane markings)


Use Cases

Use case 1. Phenomenological sensor modelling


Currently OSI groundTruth does not allow for a sufficiently detailed phenomenological description for sensors

E.g. the representation of the road surface is not sufficiently detailed to represent reality

"phenomenological description" - represents a description of physical and stochastic characteristics


Use case 2. Geometry-based sensor modelling


Currently OSI groundTruth does not allow for a sufficiently detailed physical description for sensors

"physical description" - Material properties, 3d geometries, […​] that then lead to some rendering-based Simulation approaches. The level of granularity should be easily extendable depending on specific use cases.


Use case 3. Data exchange between the environment simulation



WP 2: Traffic Participants & Infrastructure

WP3: Performance & Packaging 

WP4. Harmonization with OpenX



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