ASAM Quality Checker

Avoid inconsistencies in standard implementations due to varying interpretations, platform differences, and ambiguities in the standards themselves.

ASAM Quality Checker Framework


The ASAM Quality Checker framework is an open-source tool designed for the quality assessment of implementations of ASAM standards. The framework is Standard-agnostic and provides a robust solution for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of files claiming to be Standard-compliant.


The ASAM Quality Checker framework operates through a series of specialized "checkers," organized in checker libraries. Users have full control over which checks are applied, enabling tailored quality assessments based on specific project needs. The "checkers" are grouped into checker bundles, which are standalone executables. This allows developers to write their own checker bundles in any programming language, enhancing the framework's adaptability and extensibility.


Checker libraries

The ASAM Quality Checker ensures that standardized files remain interchangeable, reusable, and compatible with a variety of tools and processes. The first versions of official checker libraries have been developed for ASAM OpenDRIVE and ASAM OpenSCENARIO XML. For ASAM OTX Extensions, ASAM is providing a short representative list of checker examples (no reference implementation). Further standards will be supported in the near future.


Contributing to the ASAM Quality Checker framework

As an open-source tool, the ASAM Quality Checker is available to both ASAM members and non-members. Contributions from users, including code or feedback, are highly encouraged — please adhere to the contribution guidelines.



The ASAM Quality Checker Framework is delivered under the MPL - Mozilla Public License - Version 2.0
A detailed overview of the licenses used in all libraries is provided in the appendix


How to use the ASAM Quality Checker

The ASAM Quality Checker Framework is hosted on the ASAM GitHub repository. It requires an additional repository, baselib_py (a Python library for interacting with the configuration and results files from the QC framework), to function.


ASAM provides a Docker-based demo pipeline  to help users try out the latest development of the framework, as well as the ASAM OpenDRIVE and ASAM OpenSCENARIO XML checker bundles. It is also possible to build and run the framework locally. Please follow the run instructions to run the checker bundles using the framework on your machine.



ASAM Quality Checker Framework V1.0.0                 baselib_py

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