(The download of ASAM OSI is free of charge)
ASAM OSI (Open Simulation Interface) provides easy and straightforward compatibility between automated driving functions and the variety of driving simulation frameworks available. It allows users to connect any sensor, via a standardized interface, to any automated driving function and to any driving simulator tooling. It simplifies integration and thus significantly strengthens the accessibility and usefulness of virtual testing.
ASAM OSI started as a generic data exchange interface compliant with the ISO 23150 logic interface for the environmental perception of automated driving functions in virtual scenarios. In tandem with packaging specifications, such as the ASAM OSI Sensor Model Packaging (OSMP) specification, the standard provides solutions for simulation model data exchange across different implementations.
ASAM OSI contains an object-based environment description using the message format of the protocol buffer library developed and maintained by Google. It defines top-level messages that are used to exchange data between separate models. Top-level messages define the GroundTruth interface, the SensorData interface, and, since V3.0.0, the SensorView/Sensor-View configuration interfaces and the FeatureData interface. The GroundTruth interface provides an exact view on the simulated objects in a global coordinate system, the ground truth world coordinate system. The FeatureData interface provides a list of simple features in the reference frame of the respective sensor of a vehicle for environmental perception. It is generated from a GroundTruth message and may serve as input for a sensor model that simulates object detection or feature fusion of multiple sensors.
ASAM OSI also defines interfaces for traffic participant models. The TrafficCommand interface makes it possible to send commands to traffic participant models. The TrafficUpdate interface makes it possible to receive the updated state from traffic participant models. The following figure shows the interfaces of a generic traffic participant.
Traffic participant models may use other ASAM OSI interfaces internally, for example to model autonomous vehicles. The following figure shows a more advanced use case for traffic participants.
ASAM OSI is continually being developed to support further model types in a simulation or test environment, one example being as an interface to a vehicle-in-the-loop. It is possible that further test-specific or testing-technique-specific messages are implemented in ASAM OSI, whether as an extension to existing messages to account for test-specific data or as additional interfaces, for example to an ODD or test layer.
As it is also being developed as an interface between many of the features in the ASAM OpenX standards (for example between a scenario engine and a traffic participant or to a traffic signal), any changes made to the other ASAM OpenX standards will need to be considered and integrated into ASAM OSI. One such change could be extending the TrafficCommand messages to support the exchange of test-specific information with traffic entities.
To further develop ASAM OSI, ASAM has created a new open source development process: The entire workflow shall be open, every change & discussion shall be available to the public. This open source development process allows also non-project members and non-ASAM members to contribute. The ASAM project group will review contributions and decide on their acceptance.
The legal side of contributing to ASAM open source projects will be covered by the Developer Certificate of Origin for all contributions, with member companies having the option to sign an additional Member Contributor Agreement with a list of authorized contributors. Project licenses will be project-specific and selected from a list of recognized open source licenses