Public Review

Involving all ASAM members to ensure high quality, usefulness and implementability of our standards.

Public Review

ASAM is asking for feedback on release candidates for upcoming new standards or major versions prior to their release. Purpose of this review is to improve quality and efficiency of the standards. 


Currently the following release candidates are up for review. We ask all experts for their feedback:

ASAM Quality Checker Framework; 

Checker rule definitions for ASAM OpenDRIVE & ASAM OpenSCENARIO XML

Deadline: Sep 30, 2024


ASAM has started the development of a Quality Checker Framework  to improve interoperability between standards caused by ambiguities and varying levels of implementation. The checker will allow users to ensure conformity with ASAM standards. This framework will be versatile, supporting various standards and allowing users to create custom rule sets for quality assessment. It aims to cover formal correctness, geometry, physical properties, data integrity, and more.


In a first step, two projects were conducted to define checker rules for ASAM OpenDRIVE and checker rules for ASAM OpenSCENARIO XML. The project groups ask for your feedback before they will be integrated into the overall ASAM Quality Checker Framework.


All three projects are ready to share their results with the public and ask for feedback. Both members and non-members are invited to review.


Please particularly look out for 

  • Completeness:  Are there any missing parts or features that are required to use the standard? 
  • Unclarities and ambiguities:  Are there any terms, definitions or content parts that are imprecise, unclear, not (sufficiently) defined or not understandable?
  • Inconsistencies:  Are there any terms, definitions or content parts that contradict each other or are incompatible with other parts of the standard? Is the structure and line of reasoning plausible and consistent?
  • Usefulness:  According to your expertise, is the standard practical and useful? Does it meet current market needs and requirements? 
  • Implementability:  According to your expertise, is the standard in its current form feasible and can it be implemented cost-effectively? Does the standard allow an implementation with state-of-the-art technologies? Is the standard designed to be future-proof.
  • Please do not submit new use-cases, features or requirements for the upcoming release



IMPORTANT: When giving feedback, please leave your name and email address in case of questions. Thank you! 


ASAM OpenSCENARIO XML 1.3.1        ASAM OpenDRIVE 1.8.1



NOTE: The ASAM Quality Checker Framework project is a software project. Changes are made simultaneously to the review. Please provide feedback asap by creating 'issues'.  


ASAM Quality Checker Framework




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