Active Projects

Check out our "Proposals" section to see where you can take part and make a difference.
Learn about our current activities at "Projects".

Active Projects

The ASAM standards development process is geared to bring standardization to conclusion. At the same time, it ensures high quality and increased usefulness of the standards by allowing members to provide input and expertise at critical phases of the process:


Project Proposals are published to enable all ASAM members to enroll in the project. Check which project groups are currently looking for further participants.




Here you will find a list of projects that are currently ongoing. Participation is usually not possible anymore but members have the opportunity to give feedback and report errors in the public reviews


See what's in the pipeline


Technical Steering

The Technical Steering Committee ensures that the standards portfolio of ASAM meets market needs and stays competitive. It also has a controlling function ensuring that projects stay within the planned project time and budget, and that the work of the project group does not diverge from the approved project goals.


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Development Process


Project Types




Resources for Project Groups


Call for Offers

ASAM provides budgets for its project groups to pay for service providers supporting the project work. Call for offers are posted here.


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Public Review

Members are asked to provide feedback on upcoming new standards or new major versions prior to release. 



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