ASAM Test Specification Workshop
on: Thursday, Nov 17, 2022 | 9:00 - 16:00 CET
at: ASAM e.V., Altlaufstr. 40, 85635 Hoehenkirchen (near Munich), Germany
After giving the industry some time to absorb the results of the previous Test Specification Study Group (results available at, ASAM would like to start ramping up follow-up discussions.
The report provided valuable insight into how the industry today is leveraging different testing techniques for different goals. These include such approaches as requirements-based testing or scenario-based testing. The report provides some guidance on how these techniques can be used together in order to achieve a safety argumentation for AD/ADAS.
We would like to invite you to participate in a full day workshop at ASAM on Nov 17, 2022 in order to review the outputs so far and to jointly determine how to continue making progress and building on these.
Overall the report leads to two overarching goals:
- continue building on the testing blueprint, maybe adding additional layers or building on experiences of other activities
- standards development – This is intended to focus on bridging the gap between ASAM’s standards when used for testing use cases and/or on initiating new standardization activities to support testing workflows
In order to realistically satisfy the goals outlined above we will need an ongoing group, as was originally discussed at the end of the test Specification group. This group is a cross-domain (across ASAM’s domains) expert group with a focus on testing for ADAS/AD, building on what was done in the study group. The workshop will be used to gauge initial commitments by participants to such an ongoing working group.