ASAM Test Specification Workshop

Date: November 17, 2022

Location: ASAM e.V., Hoehenkirchen


ASAM Test Specification Workshop

on:  Nov 17, 2022 | 9:00 - 16:00 CET


10:00Welcome ASAM
10:05Testing Blueprint overview and visiondSPACE
10:25Collaboration with IAMTS WGsIAMTS
10:45User Journey presentation 1: data-driven development Peak Solution
11:05User Journey presentation 2: scenario-based testing (on-road or simulation)4active Systems
11:25Insights on Cybersecurity and the relation to the testing blueprintC2A Security
12:55Insights on V2X and its applications for testing


12.15The ArchitectECA2030 projectInfineon
13:35Q/A:  Next steps for the bluepintAll
14:20Overview of the recommendations to standardsASAM
14:35OTX as a DSL for scenario-based testingemotive
14:55Proposal & Q&A for a new standardization effort: OpenTest BMW & dSPACE
15:55Closing WordsBen Engel (ASAM)


For questions, please contact benjamin.engel(at)




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