Yoshiaki Shoi

Representative of ASAM Japan

Yoshiaki Shoi

Representative of ASAM Japan



Mr. Shoi is responsible for supporting Japanese ASAM members with respect to their standardization effort within ASAM and connects Japanese members with members in Europe and the US.

Today, ASAM standards are widely spread in Japan. Japanese members actively contribute in the further development of standards and also propose ideas for new standards. Mr. Shoi supports the members in defining und submitting change requests and in developing ideas into proposals. He introduces the ASAM standards portfolio to new members, holds trainings, introduces the ASAM development process and makes sure that Japanese members comply to the process.


Mr. Shoi also represents the Japanese membership within the association and towards members worldwide. For ASAM e.V. he is the first contact person in Japan and intermediary between Japanese companies, standardization organizations, and ASAM.



Mr. Shoi has substantial experience in the development of ASAM Standard related products. He was responsible for the product line management of Measurement and Calibration tools for the Japanese market. He has been promoting ASAM standards in Japan even before he has accepted the position as Representative of ​ASAM Japan.

Yoshiaki Shoi

ASAM Japan G.K.
3F Shidome Building
105-0022 Tokyo

Phone:   + 81 3 6721 5803
Fax:         + 81 3 6721 2020
Email:     yoshiaki.shoi(at)asam.net