Sibros is a software company based in San Jose, California whose core team came from Tesla and helped build the first OTA platform. Sibros has not only enhanced this solution but extended it to all automakers and vehicle types via its Deep Connected Platform. This holistic embedded firmware and cloud system has three pillars: 1. Deep Logger which collects live data from any source and converts it into useable analytics 2. Deep Updater which orchestrates vehicle-wide software updates 3. Deep Commander which performs diagnostic commands. Sibros' software meets international safety, security, and data privacy compliances, can be deployed on any vehicle architecture and type - from ICE to EV, Hybrid, or Fuel Cell - and is hardware agnostic.
Sibros, Sibros Technologies, Inc., Deep Updater, Deep Logger, Deep Connected Platform, Deep Commander, OTA software updates, AI-powered analytics, secure, OEM, connected vehicle, fleet management, predictive maintenance, software-defined vehicle, SDV, SOVD, data logging, device management