Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme is one of the leading suppliers of vibroacoustic measurement technology for the interpretation of dynamic data, particularly in the fields of acoustics, vibration and strength. Our engineering expertise and competence for the measurement tasks at hand results in innovative solutions that seamlessly integrate into existing system environments. As one of the ASAM foundation members, we demonstrate enduring ASAM ODS expertise. This is reflected in our involvement in the definition of standards including the definition of the format for digital bus data, NVH or geometry.
acoustics, vibration, data analysis, data acquisition (DAQ), measurement, ecosystems, NVH, online data processing, physical data, software, multi-channel, high-speed, FlexRay, EtherCAT, CAN, CAN FD, digital, analog, cloud, ATF/XML, ASAM ODS, data management, cloud services