Kvaser – world leading CAN development Kvaser supplies advanced CAN solutions to engineers designing and deploying systems in areas as wide ranging as trucks and buses, petrol-driven and electric cars, industrial automation, avionics, construction equipment, building automation, domestic appliances, marine, medical, military, railway, telecoms, textiles and more. With 30 years of experience and more than 60 CAN-related products to our name, Kvaser has deep knowledge of CAN and related bus technologies. Whilst R&D and production are carried out in Sweden, our standard products are available through a worldwide network of sales representatives. What’s more, our global Technical Associate network can provide you with state-of-the-art solutions, for whatever sector you operate in • Universal API makes life easier for both software developers and the end user • Free software, free updates and free support
analysis; calibration; CAN; data anaysis; data logger; diagnostics; LIN; measurement; measuring equipment; vehicle bus analyzer