JOANNEUM RESEARCH develops solutions and technologies for commerce and industry in a wide range of fields and carries out advanced research on an international scale. By focusing on applied research and technology development, the INNOVATION COMPANY plays a key role in technology and knowledge transfer.
The institute DIGITAL is your trustworthy partner in the field of digital innovation and transformation and develops applied high tech solutions for the following markets: Mobility, Space, Industry, Security & Defence, Environment & Climate, AAL & Digital Care, and Culture & Creative Industries.
In the field of automated driving (AD) JOANNEUM RESEARCH is paving the ground for automated test and validation of driving functions, perception and sensor systems by providing reference data (UHD Maps enriched with raw sensor data) and validation workflows. The AD laboratroy therefore provides high class infrastructure containing mobile mapping systems, reference sensor systems, communication and navigation technologies. Furthermore the Human Factors Laboratory provides a play-ground for human-machine-interaction incorporating the human emotional state, attention and activity.
Automated Driving, Perception, ADAS, Validation, Simulation, Test, HD Maps, UHD Maps, Sensor Systems, Deep Learning, Automated Reference Map Production, Mobile Mapping, Reference Sensor Plattforms, Ground Truth Data, Infrastructure, Communication, Localisation, Navigation, Computer Vision, LIDAR, Signal Processing