ASAM Regional Meeting Japan 2021
on: Jun 29, 2021 | 14:00 - 17:30 JST
via: Teams Meeting
Around 130 people joined the ASAM Regional Meeting Japan 2021 on Wednesday, Jun 29, 2021. This local meeting helped Japanese experts to get an overview on the current ASAM topics and the activities worldwide. All Japanese working groups presented their work results.
Many of the speakers reported about their effective and successful involvement in ASAM: The presenters of the study projects confirmed that the project work gave them deep insights into ASAM standards. The Japanese project group that supported the internationally staffed ASAM OpenDRIVE Concept project emphasized that being able to meet in person and discuss topics among the Japanese members was very helpful to drive the local work package to success. These are just a few resons, why one of the OEM presenters recommended that attendees get personally involved in ASAM.
Click on links to view the presentations:
The ASAM Regional Meeting Japan is an annual event. The next meeting is foreseen for May / Jun 2022. Subscribe to the ASAM newsletter to not miss out on the next meeting: