7.2 Language structure and syntax
A ASAM OpenSCENARIO file is processed by an implementation in two phases:
Lexical analysis breaks the character stream into individual tokens, yielding a token stream.
Parsing then processes the token stream into the abstract syntax tree.
The lexical analysis phase is set out in Section 7.2.1, “Lexical structure”. The grammar governing the parsing process is set out in Section 7.2.2, “Grammar of ASAM OpenSCENARIO”. A modified BNF grammar notation is used as mentioned in Python 3.10 documentation section 1.2.
7.2.1 Lexical structure
This section provides the lexical analysis definitions for ASAM OpenSCENARIO. Character set
ASAM OpenSCENARIO files use the Unicode character set and must use the UTF-8 encoding.
Whitespace consists of space (U+0020) and tab (U+0009) characters. Line structure
Like Python, ASAM OpenSCENARIO is based on a logical line structure.
An ASAM OpenSCENARIO file consists of logical lines:
Each statement is fully contained within a logical line.
Each logical line is constructed from one or more physical lines, using a set of line-joining rules.
A physical line is a sequence of characters terminated by an end-of-line sequence. The end-of-line sequence can be either the CR (U+000D) character, the LF (U+000A) character, or the sequence CR (U+000D) LF (U+000A) characters. The end of input/file also serves as an implicit end-of-line sequence.
Multiple physical lines can be joined into one logical line in the following two ways:
A physical line can be explicitly joined to the next physical line by placing the
backslash (U+005C) character directly before the end-of-line sequence of the previous line. The backslash must be placed outside of a string literal or comment. -
A physical line can be implicitly joined to the next physical line by splitting the line inside an expression that employs parentheses or square brackets.
Logical lines that contain only whitespace, formfeed (U+000C) characters, and possibly a comment, are ignored.
Each logical line ends with a NEWLINE token indicating the end of the logical line. Comments
Comments start with a number sign character (#
, U+0023) that is outside of a string literal. They end at the end of the physical line. Comments are ignored by the syntax given in Section 7.2.2, “Grammar of ASAM OpenSCENARIO”. Indentation
Whitespace at the beginning of a logical line is considered to be indentation. For the purposes of indentation calculation, tab characters are replaced with spaces with the assumption that tab stops are every 8 characters. Formfeed characters at the start of a line are ignored for indentation calculations.
Based on changes to the amount of whitespace on a line after the replacements mentioned above, INDENT and DEDENT tokens are generated using the algorithm specified in Python 3.10 section 2.1.8. Tokenization
Tokens are separated by whitespace, except where indicated otherwise.
When splitting the input into tokens, tokens comprise the longest possible match that forms a legal token, when read from left to right.
Besides the already mentioned NEWLINE, INDENT, and DEDENT tokens, the following tokens are recognized in lexical analysis. Keywords and identifiers
Identifiers are unlimited in length. Case is significant.
Valid identifiers match the following productions:
identifier ::= ( id-start-char id-char* ) | ( '|' non-vertical-line-char+ '|' )
where id-start-char
matches all characters of the following Unicode character categories:
Ll — Lowercase Letter
Lm — Modifier Letter
Lo — Other Letter
Lt — Titlecase Letter
Lu — Uppercase Letter
Nl — Letter Number
It also matches the underscore character _
matches all characters that id-start-char
matches, and additionally all characters of the following Unicode character categories:
Mc — Spacing Combining Mark
Mn — Nonspacing Mark
Nd — Decimal Number
Pc — Connector Punctuations
matches all Unicode characters, except the vertical line |
(U+007C) character.
The second clause in the identifier production defines an alternative way of writing identifiers:
It allows the use of characters that normally are not allowed in identifiers, by delimiting the identifier using |
Besides allowing the use of any other character in identifiers, such identifiers do not need to be separated by whitespace.
Certain identifiers are reserved as keywords for use in ASAM OpenSCENARIO built-in language constructs. Note however that those keywords are only recognized as keywords in the places identified in the grammar. This means that those identifiers should be treated as normal identifier tokens in all other places.
action |
actor |
as |
bool |
call |
cover |
def |
default |
do |
elapsed |
emit |
enum |
event |
every |
expression |
extend |
external |
fall |
float |
global |
hard |
if |
import |
inherits |
int |
is |
it |
keep |
list |
of |
on |
one_of |
only |
parallel |
range |
record |
remove_default |
rise |
scenario |
serial |
SI |
string |
struct |
type |
uint |
undefined |
unit |
until |
var |
wait |
with | Literals
The following literals are recognized by lexical analysis:
String literals
String literals are constant string expressions matching the following production:
string-literal ::= shortstring | longstring
shortstring ::= ('"' shortstring-elem* '"') | ("'" shortstring-elem* "'")
longstring ::= ('"""' longstring-elem* '"""') | ("'''" longstring-elem* "'''")
shortstring-elem ::= shortstring-char | string-escape-seq
longstring-elem ::= longstring-char | string-escape-seq
string-escape-seq ::= '\' any-char
where shortstring-char
matches any Unicode character except \
, the quote character used to introduce the string or any end-of-line character.
matches any Unicode character except \
, and any-char
matches any Unicode character.
Boolean literals
The tokens true
and false
represent the logically true and false Boolean values.
They are of type bool
bool-literal ::= 'true' | 'false'
Integer literals
Positive integer literals produce an uint
This will be cast implicitly to int
type in the appropriate contexts.
Negative integer literals produce an int
Positive integer literals can also be provided in hexadecimal base through the prefix '0x'.
It is an error to include a positive integer literal in ASAM OpenSCENARIO source code that cannot be represented using the uint
It is an error to include a negative integer literal in ASAM OpenSCENARIO source code that cannot be represented using the int
integer-literal ::= uint-literal | hex-uint-literal | int-literal
uint-literal ::= digit+
hex-uint-literal ::= '0x' hex-digit+
int-literal ::= '-' digit+
digit ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
hex-digit ::= digit | 'A' | 'a' | 'B' | 'b' | 'C' | 'c' | 'D' | 'd' | 'E' | 'e' | 'F' | 'f'
Floating-point literals
Floating-point literals produce a float
It is an error to include a float literal in ASAM OpenSCENARIO source code that cannot be represented using the float
float-literal ::= ['+' | '-'] digit* '.' digit+ [('e' | 'E') ['+'|'-'] digit+]
Physical type literals
Physical type literals are literals that produce a valid physical type value.
physical-literal ::= (float-literal | integer-literal) unit-name
unit-name ::= identifier
A physical type literal is created when an identifier naming a valid unit is included directly after a valid float or integer literal without any intervening whitespace separating the two parts.
7.2.2 Grammar of ASAM OpenSCENARIO
The following grammar is structured for explanatory and normative purposes, not necessarily for parser implementation purposes. For example, implementers might want to eliminate left recursions and need to take into account the interactions between lexical analysis and parser for their particular implementation approach. Top-level structure
An ASAM OpenSCENARIO file consists of prelude statements and top-level declarations.
osc-file ::= prelude-statement* osc-declaration* Prelude statements
Prelude statements must occur before all other statements in the file.
prelude-statement ::= import-statement
Import statement
The import statement makes all definitions found in the referenced file effective as if they had been included in the referencing file.
import-statement ::= 'import' import-reference NEWLINE
import-reference ::= string-literal | structured-identifier
structured-identifier ::= identifier | structured-identifier '.' identifier Top-level declarations
All top-level declarations are currently considered type declarations that are described in detail in the next section.
osc-declaration ::= physical-type-declaration
| unit-declaration
| enum-declaration
| struct-declaration
| actor-declaration
| action-declaration
| scenario-declaration
| modifier-declaration
| type-extension
| global-parameter-declaration Type declarations
Type declarators are the set of all built-in and user-defined types that can be used to declare the type of an entity.
Note that modifier declarations are not considered to define a type that can be used to declare the type of an entity. Modifier names are therefore not considered type declarators.
type-declarator ::= non-aggregate-type-declarator | aggregate-type-declarator
non-aggregate-type-declarator ::= primitive-type | physical-type-name | enum-name | struct-name | actor-name | qualified-behavior-name
aggregate-type-declarator ::= list-type-declarator
list-type-declarator ::= 'list' 'of' non-aggregate-type-declarator
primitive-type ::= 'int' | 'uint' | 'float' | 'bool' | 'string' Physical types and units
Physical types represent physical quantities and are associated with units.
physical-type-declaration ::= 'type' physical-type-name 'is' base-unit-specifier NEWLINE
physical-type-name ::= identifier
unit-declaration ::= 'unit' unit-name 'of' physical-type-name 'is' unit-specifier NEWLINE
base-unit-specifier ::= SI-base-unit-specifier
unit-specifier ::= SI-unit-specifier
SI-base-unit-specifier ::= 'SI' '(' SI-base-exponent-list ')'
SI-base-exponent-list ::= SI-base-exponent (',' SI-base-exponent)*
SI-base-exponent ::= SI-base-unit-name ':' integer-literal
SI-unit-specifier ::= 'SI' '(' SI-base-exponent-list [',' SI-factor] [',' SI-offset] ')'
SI-factor ::= 'factor' ':' ( float-literal | integer-literal )
SI-offset ::= 'offset' ':' ( float-literal | integer-literal )
SI-base-unit-name ::= 'kg' | 'm' | 's' | 'A' | 'K' | 'mol' | 'cd' | 'rad' Enumerations
Enumeration types are the basic user-defined data types. They enumerate a finite but extensible set of possible values.
enum-declaration ::= 'enum' enum-name ':' '[' enum-member-decl (',' enum-member-decl)* ']' NEWLINE
enum-member-decl ::= enum-member-name [ '=' enum-member-value ]
enum-name ::= identifier
enum-member-name ::= identifier
enum-member-value ::= uint-literal | hex-uint-literal
enum-value-reference ::= [enum-name '!'] enum-member-name Structured types
Structured types provide a way to build complex types from simpler ones. A structured type acts as a container for its members.
The ASAM OpenSCENARIO language offers four kinds of structured types:
struct-declaration ::= 'struct' struct-name ['inherits' struct-name ['(' field-name '==' (enum-value-reference | bool-literal) ')']] ( (':' NEWLINE INDENT
struct-member-decl+ DEDENT) | NEWLINE )
struct-member-decl ::= event-declaration | field-declaration | constraint-declaration | method-declaration | coverage-declaration
struct-name ::= identifier
field-name ::= identifier
actor-declaration ::= 'actor' actor-name ['inherits' actor-name ['(' field-name '==' (enum-value-reference | bool-literal) ')']] ( (':' NEWLINE INDENT
actor-member-decl+ DEDENT) | NEWLINE )
actor-member-decl ::= event-declaration | field-declaration | constraint-declaration | method-declaration | coverage-declaration
actor-name ::= identifier
scenario-declaration ::= 'scenario' qualified-behavior-name ['inherits' qualified-behavior-name ['(' field-name '==' (enum-value-reference | bool-literal) ')']] ( (':' NEWLINE INDENT
(scenario-member-decl | behavior-specification)+
scenario-member-decl ::= event-declaration | field-declaration | constraint-declaration | method-declaration | coverage-declaration | modifier-application
qualified-behavior-name ::= [actor-name '.'] behavior-name
behavior-name ::= identifier Modifiers
Modifiers provide a means of modifying object behavior.
Compound modifiers can have the same members that scenario and action structured types allow, with the exception of do
They allow the modification of behaviors, like scenario, action, or composition operator invocations.
modifier-declaration ::= 'modifier' [actor-name '.'] modifier-name ['of' qualified-behavior-name] ( (':' NEWLINE INDENT
(scenario-member-decl | on-directive)+
modifier-name ::= identifier Type extension
type-extension ::= enum-type-extension | structured-type-extension
enum-type-extension ::= 'extend' enum-name ':' '[' enum-member-decl (',' enum-member-decl)* ']' NEWLINE
structured-type-extension ::= 'extend' extendable-type-name ':' NEWLINE INDENT
extension-member-decl+ DEDENT
extendable-type-name ::= struct-name | actor-name | qualified-behavior-name
extension-member-decl ::= struct-member-decl | actor-member-decl | scenario-member-decl | behavior-specification Global parameter declarations
Global parameter declarations are declarations of typed parameters that are accessible globally.
global-parameter-declaration ::= 'global' parameter-declaration Structured type members
The following entities are usable as members in structured type declarations, depending on the structured type. Events
Events are named entities, signifying a zero-time occurrence in time. They can optionally have parameters describing that occurrence.
Event specifications are specifications of conditions for the occurrence of an event. They are used in different places, such as the on
or wait
directives, or as a formula for an event declaration.
event-declaration ::= 'event' event-name ['(' argument-list-specification ')'] ['is' event-specification] NEWLINE
event-specification ::= event-reference [ [event-field-decl] 'if' event-condition ]
| event-condition
event-reference ::= '@' event-path
event-field-decl ::= 'as' event-field-name
event-field-name ::= identifier
event-name ::= identifier
event-path ::= [expression '.'] event-name
event-condition ::= bool-expression | rise-expression | fall-expression | elapsed-expression | every-expression
rise-expression ::= 'rise' '(' bool-expression ')'
fall-expression ::= 'fall' '(' bool-expression ')'
elapsed-expression ::= 'elapsed' '(' duration-expression ')'
every-expression ::= 'every' '(' duration-expression [',' 'offset' ':' duration-expression] ')'
bool-expression ::= expression
duration-expression ::= expression Fields
Fields represent named data members inside compound types and modifiers.
field-declaration ::= parameter-declaration | variable-declaration
parameter-declaration ::= field-name (',' field-name)* ':' type-declarator ['=' default-value] [parameter-with-declaration] NEWLINE
variable-declaration ::= 'var' field-name (',' field-name)* ':' type-declarator ['=' default-value | sample-expression ] NEWLINE
sample-expression ::= 'sample' '(' expression ',' event-specification [',' default-value] ')'
default-value ::= expression
Parameter declarations can contain with
blocks that provide relevant constraint declarations.
parameter-with-declaration ::= 'with' ':' NEWLINE INDENT
parameter-with-member+ DEDENT
parameter-with-member ::= constraint-declaration Constraints
Constraints restrict the range of possible values that fields may have during scenario execution.
constraint-declaration ::= keep-constraint-declaration | remove-default-declaration
keep-constraint-declaration ::= 'keep' '(' [constraint-qualifier] constraint-expression ')' NEWLINE
constraint-qualifier ::= 'default' | 'hard'
constraint-expression ::= expression
remove-default-declaration ::= 'remove_default' '(' parameter-reference ')' NEWLINE
parameter-reference ::= field-name | field-access Methods
Methods are member functions defined within a structured type or modifier.
method-declaration ::= 'def' method-name '(' [argument-list-specification] ')' ['->' return-type] method-implementation NEWLINE
return-type ::= type-declarator
method-implementation ::= 'is' [method-qualifier] ('expression' expression | 'undefined' | 'external' structured-identifier '(' [argument-list] ')')
method-qualifier ::= 'only'
method-name ::= identifier Coverage
Coverage and reporting use similar syntax with the goal of storing data expected to be observed throughout validation or for later analysis.
coverage-declaration ::= ('cover' | 'record') '(' argument-list ')' NEWLINE Modifier application
Modifier application syntax.
modifier-application ::= [actor-expression '.'] modifier-name '(' [argument-list] ')' NEWLINE Behavior specification
Behavior specifications, in the form of on
and do
directives provide the behavior description of scenarios and actions.
behavior-specification ::= on-directive | do-directive
On directive
on-directive ::= 'on' event-specification ':' NEWLINE INDENT
on-member+ DEDENT
on-member ::= call-directive | emit-directive
do-directive ::= 'do' do-member
do-member ::= [label-name ':'] ( composition | behavior-invocation | wait-directive | emit-directive | call-directive )
label-name ::= identifier
composition ::= composition-operator ['(' argument-list ')']':' NEWLINE INDENT
do-member+ DEDENT [behavior-with-declaration]
composition-operator ::= 'serial' | 'one_of' | 'parallel'
Behavior invocation
behavior-invocation ::= [actor-expression '.'] behavior-name '(' [argument-list] ')' [behavior-with-declaration] NEWLINE
behavior-with-declaration ::= 'with' ':' NEWLINE INDENT
behavior-with-member+ DEDENT
behavior-with-member ::= constraint-declaration
| modifier-application
| until-directive
actor-expression ::= expression Common productions Expressions
expression ::= implication | ternary-op-exp Logical operators
implication ::= disjunction ('=>' disjunction)*
disjunction ::= conjunction ('or' conjunction)*
conjunction ::= inversion ('and' inversion)*
inversion ::= 'not' inversion | relation Relational operators
relation ::= sum | relation relational-op sum
relational-op ::= '==' | '!=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | 'in' Arithmetics operators
sum ::= term | sum additive-op term
additive-op ::= '+' | '-'
term ::= factor | term multiplicative-op factor
multiplicative-op ::= '*' | '/' | '%'
factor ::= postfix-exp | '-' factor Postfix operators
postfix-exp ::= primary-exp
| cast-exp
| type-test-exp
| element-access
| function-application
| field-access
cast-exp ::= postfix-exp '.' 'as' '(' type-declarator ')'
type-test-exp ::= postfix-exp '.' 'is' '(' type-declarator ')'
element-access ::= postfix-exp '[' expression ']'
function-application ::= postfix-exp '(' [argument-list] ')'
field-access ::= postfix-exp '.' field-name