Annex A: Scenario Examples (informative)
This section provides some examples that were developed during standard development using the ASAM OpenSCENARIO language to exemplify its usage for practical use-cases. The examples are not simulation ready and are included to demonstrate the use of various language features.
A.1 EURO NCAP Test Protocol - Lane Support Systems
This example is taken from the EURO NCAP TEST PROTOCOL – Lane Support Systems Version [31]
import osc.standard
scenario elk_overtaking:
gvt: vehicle # Target vehicle
dut: vehicle # Device under test
routeToFollow: route with: # Route to be followed
keep(it.min_lanes == 2)
do parallel: 5s) with:
along(route: routeToFollow) # VUT should drive along the route routeToFollow
lane(side_of: gvt, side: right, at: start) # VUT is initially on the right lane
lane(same_as: gvt, at: end) # VUT transitions to the same lane as the target vehicle during the scenario
lateral(distance: 1m, measure_by: left_to_left, at: start) # VUT has an initial distance of 1m to the lane marking on its
# left (between the cars) of the GVT match)
position(distance: 10.0m, ahead_of: gvt, at: start) # VUT is initially ahead of GVT
position(distance: 1m, behind_of: gvt, at: end) # At the end, VUT and GVT overlap (s.t. the rear axle of the
# VUT and the front) with:
along(route: routeToFollow) # GVT should drive along the route routeToFollow
speed(speed: 80kph) # GVT speed is 80 kph
lateral(distance: 1.5m, measure_by: right_to_right, at: start) # GVT has a constant distance of 1.5m to the lane marking
# on its right (between the cars)
A.2. UN Regulation No 157 "Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to Automated Lane Keeping Systems"
The following example is inspired by the UN Regulation No. 157 "Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to Automated Lane Keeping Systems" [30]
This example is based on the test scenario in Section 4.1 of Annex 5. "Lane Keeping".
# Note: This is a snapshot of a sample scenario file developed as part
# of the OpenSCENARIO 2.x project. It is not intended to demonstrate
# actual UNECE ALKS scenarios, nor is necessarily up to date with final
# OpenSCENARIO 2.0 semantics or domain model usage.
# UNECE 157 ALKS P.60
# 4. Test scenarios to assess the performance of the system with regard to the dynamic driving task
# 4.1. Lane Keeping
# 4.1.1. The test shall demonstrate that the ALKS does not leave its lane and maintains a stable position inside its ego lane across the speed range and
# different curvatures within its system boundaries.
# 4.1.2. The test shall be executed at least:
# (a) With a minimum test duration of 5 minutes;
# (b) With a passenger car target as well as a PTW target as the lead vehicle / other vehicle;
# (c) With a lead vehicle swerving in the lane; and
# (d) With another vehicle driving close beside in the adjacent lane.
# Addendum in previous chapter:
# The lateral wandering distance the vehicle will normally wander within the lane is 0.375m.
import osc.standard
actor car inherits vehicle(vehicle_category == vehicle_category!car)
scenario swerving_side_vehicle:
map: map # Map instance
ego: car # instantiate ego vehicle
lead_vehicle: car # instantiate traffic vehicle 1
adjacent_vehicle: car # instantiate traffic vehicle 2
min_dist: length
max_dist: length
# define a route for the vehicles
# current definitions in domain model:
# route: ordered list of road elements (not ODR road sections!)
# path: Sequence of coordinates without any time constraints
# trajectory: Sequence of coordinates with time stamps
# current answer, but may be different in future
r1: road with: # instantiate the road section
keep(it.min_lanes == 2) # Ensure we have at least 2 lanes
# We need to additionally require lanes to be driving lanes => will be clarified soon
# Different options
# 1. specify adjacency of lanes in dynamical part
# (a) With a minimum test duration of 5 minutes
test_duration: time
keep(test_duration >= 5min)
do parallel(duration: test_duration):
# 4.1.1. The test shall demonstrate that the ALKS does not leave its lane and maintains a stable position inside its ego lane across the speed range and
# different curvatures within its system boundaries. with: # ego drives
# lane(left_of: adjacent_vehicle) # one lane to the left of the adjacent_vehicle
# lane(side_of: adjacent_vehicle, side: left) # same as above
lane(side_of: adjacent_vehicle, side: map.inner_side()) # "inner" means "left" or "right" depending on whether right-hand or left-hand driving
along(r1) # on the road r1, which has been required to have at least 2 lanes above (may be omitted, but not clear)
speed([0kph..60kph]) # 0 and 60 may be replaced by parameters like ego_init_speed and so on
# (c) With a lead vehicle swerving in the lane with:
lane(same_as: ego)
position([min_dist..max_dist], ahead_of: ego) # distance is currently measured center to center(?). But will be adressed
# Add parameter for minimum distance
# Alternatives would be:
# - Using serials with lateral modifier
# - use path modifier with path defined somewhere else
# 1. Define trajectory in some variable X
# 2. Use sth like path(X) here
# - using a profile with way points from real world data incl distr
# (d) With another vehicle driving close beside in the adjacent lane
adjacent_vehicle.follow_lane(offset: 0.375m) # specialized action (short hand for drive) same as drive with keep_lane(lateral: 0.375)
# adjacent vehicle should drive as close beside as allowed by the ALKS to be not
# lane change intention (cut in) with:
position([-1m,1m], ahead_of: ego)