Class Trajectory
- Applied Stereotypes:
- Implements Interfaces:
Definition of a trajectory type in terms of shape and optional time domain.
- Used in:
Catalog ,
FollowTrajectoryAction ,
Properties |
Name |
Type |
Cardinality |
AppliedStereotypes |
Description |
closed |
boolean |
1..1 |
If 'true', then the trajectory forms a loop, where the end of the trajectory is connected to the start of the trajectory by a straight line. For continuous derivatives of this segment, end and start point can also be at the same position and form a zero-length segment. A FollowTrajectoryAction with a closed trajectory doesn't end regularly but has to be stopped. If 'true' then the timing information in the trajectory cannot be used as absolute values. |
name |
string |
1..1 |
Name of the trajectory type. Required if used in catalog. |
parameterDeclarations |
ParameterDeclaration |
0..* |
Definition of additional parameters. |
shape |
Shape |
1..1 |
The shape of a trajectory (Polyline, Clothoid or Nurbs) |
XSD 1.2 Representation |
<xsd:complexType name="Trajectory">
<xsd:element name="ParameterDeclarations" type="ParameterDeclarations" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="Shape" type="Shape"/>
<xsd:attribute name="closed" type="Boolean" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="String" use="required"/>
XSD Transformation |
UML Element |
Stereotype |
Description |
parameterDeclarations |
XSDwrapper |
This property represents a wrapped list. In XSD, the complex type ParameterDeclarations is used as a wrapper. |
Change log from version 1.1 |
- Property 'closed'. Annotation changed.
- New Value
- If 'true', then the trajectory forms a loop, where the end of the trajectory is connected to the start of the trajectory by a straight line. For continuous derivatives of this segment, end and start point can also be at the same position and form a zero-length segment. A FollowTrajectoryAction with a closed trajectory doesn't end regularly but has to be stopped. If 'true' then the timing information in the trajectory cannot be used as absolute values.
- From 1.1.0
- True if trajectory is closed.
Stereotype Details Information |
- Class
- XSDcomplexType [modelGroup: "sequence"; mixed: "false"]
- Property closed
- Property name
- Property parameterDeclarations
- XSDwrapped [wrapperMin: "0"; wrapperMax: "1"]
- XSDelement [position: "1"]
- Property shape
- XSDelement [position: "2"]