UML Version: 1.2
Date: 2022-03-24
XSD 1.2 Documentation
Changes from Version 1.2 compared to version 1.1
Changes from Version 1.1 compared to version 1.0

All Classes
D ModifyRule
D ParameterAction
D ParameterAddValueRule
D ParameterModifyAction
D ParameterMultiplyByValueRule
D ParameterSetAction
D ReachPositionCondition

All Enumerations
D CloudState

All Interfaces

All Primitive Types

Changes in version 1.2 compared to version 1.1

Changed Classes
  • AbsoluteSpeed (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Absolute speed. Unit: [m/s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Absolute speed. Unit: m/s. Range: [0..inf[.
  • AbsoluteTargetSpeed (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Target speed the vehicle should change to. Unit: [m/s].
        From 1.1.0
        Target speed in m/s the vehicle should change to.
  • AccelerationCondition (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Compares the entity's acceleration to a reference value. The logical operator used for comparison is defined by the rule attribute (less, greater, equal). If direction is used, only the projection to that direction is used in the comparison.
        From 1.1.0
        Compares the entity's acceleration to a reference value. The logical operator used for comparison is defined by the rule attribute (less, greater, equal).
    • Property 'direction' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Acceleration value. Unit: [m/s²].
        From 1.1.0
        Acceleration value. Unit: m/s^2.
  • ActivateControllerAction (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        This action activates or deactivates controller defined (e.g. automated, autonomous) behavior on the given entity. A controller cannot be activated in a domain in which it is not defined.
        From 1.1.0
        This action activates or deactivates controller defined (e.g. automated, autonomous) behavior on the given entity.
    • Property 'animation' created.
    • Property 'controllerRef' created.
    • Property 'lighting' created.
    • Property 'lateral'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        In lateral domain: Activate or deactivate controller defined (e.g. automated, autonomous) behavior. If not specified: No change for controlling the lateral domain is applied.
        From 1.1.0
        In lateral domain: Activate or deactivate controller defined (e.g. automated, autonomous) behavior.
    • Property 'longitudinal'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        In longitudinal domain: Activate or deactivate autonomous behavior. If not specified: No change for controlling the longitudinal domain is applied.
        From 1.1.0
        In longitudinal domain: Activate or deactivate autonomous behavior.
  • AnimationAction (Created)
  • AnimationFile (Created)
  • AnimationState (Created)
  • AnimationType (Created)
  • AppearanceAction (Created)
  • AssignControllerAction (Changed)
    • Property 'activateAnimation' created.
    • Property 'activateLighting' created.
  • AutomaticGear (Created)
  • Axle (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'maxSteering'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Maximum steering angle which can be performed by the wheels on this axle. Unit: [rad]. Range: [0..PI], symmetrical.
        From 1.1.0
        Maximum steering angle which can be performed by the wheels on this axle. Unit: rad; Range: [0;PI], symmetrical.
    • Property 'positionX'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Longitudinal position of the axle with respect to the vehicles reference point. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Longitudinal position of the axle with respect to the vehicles reference point. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'positionZ'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Z-position of the axle with respect to the vehicles reference point. Usually this is half of wheel diameter. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Z-position of the axle with respect to the vehicles reference point. Usually this is half of wheel diameter. Unit:m; Range:[0..inf[.
    • Property 'trackWidth'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Distance of the wheels center lines at zero steering. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Distance of the wheels center lines at zero steering. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'wheelDiameter'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Diameter of the wheels on this axle. Unit: [m]. Range: ]0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Diameter of the wheels on this axle. Unit: m; Range: ]0..inf[.
  • Brake (Created)
  • BrakeInput (Created)
  • ByValueCondition (Changed)
    • Property 'variableCondition' created.
  • Clothoid (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'curvature'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Start curvature of clothoid. Unit: [1/m]. Range: ]-inf..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Start curvature of clothoid.Unit: 1/m;Range ]-inf..inf[.
    • Property 'curvatureDot'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Rate of change of the curvature of the clothoid. Unit: [1/s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Rate of change of the curvature of the clothoid.Unit: 1/s;Range [0..inf[.
    • Property 'curvaturePrime'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Rate of change of the curvature of the clothoid. Unit: [1/m²]. Range: ]-inf..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Rate of change of the curvature of the clothoid.Unit: 1/m²;Range ]-inf..inf[.
    • Property 'length'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Length of clothoid. Unit: [m]. Range: ]0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Length of clothoid.Unit: m;Range ]0..inf[.
    • Property 'startTime'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Optional time specification at the start of the clothoid. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Optional time specification at the start of the clothoid. Unit: s;Range [0..inf[.
    • Property 'stopTime'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Optional time specification at the end of the clothoid. Unit: [s]. Range: ]0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Optional time specification at the end of the clothoid. Unit: s;Range ]0..inf[.
  • Color (Created)
  • ColorCmyk (Created)
  • ColorRgb (Created)
  • ComponentAnimation (Created)
  • Condition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'delay'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Time elapsed after the edge condition is verified, until the condition returns true to the scenario. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Time elapsed after the edge condition is verified, until the condition returns true to the scenario. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.
  • ControlPoint (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'time'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Optional specification of the time dimension of the control point. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Optional specification of the time dimension of the control point. Unit: s;Range [0..inf[.
    • Property 'weight'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Optional weight specification of the control point. If unspecified, all control points will be equal weighted. Range: ]-inf..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Optional weight specification of the control point. If unspecified, all control points will be equal weighted. Range ]-inf..inf[.
  • Controller (Changed)
    • Property 'controllerType' created.
  • CustomContent (Created)
  • Dimensions (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'height'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Height of the entity's bounding box. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Height of the entity's bounding box. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'length'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Length of the entity's bounding box. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Length of the entity's bounding box. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'width'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Width of the entity's bounding box. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Width of the entity's bounding box. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
  • DirectionOfTravelDistribution (Created)
  • DistanceCondition (Changed)
    • Property 'routingAlgorithm' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The distance value. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The distance value. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
  • DistributionRange (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        A range of values used for a deterministic distribution. The range starts with lower limit, Each additional value is defined by adding the step value to the previous value until the value is greater than upper limit. Upper limit can be part of the range.
        From 1.1.0
        A range of values used for a deterministic distribution. The range starts with lower limit, Each additional value is defined by adding the step value to the previous value until the value is greater than upper limit. Upper limit can be part of the range.
  • DomeImage (Created)
  • DynamicConstraints (Changed)
    • Property 'maxAccelerationRate' created.
    • Property 'maxDecelerationRate' created.
    • Property 'maxAcceleration'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Maximum acceleration the distance controller is allowed to use for keeping the distance. Missing value is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: [m/s²]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Maximum acceleration the distance controller is allowed to use for keeping the distance. Missing value is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: m/s2; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'maxDeceleration'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Maximum deceleration the distance controller is allowed to use for keeping the distance. Missing value is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: [m/s²]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Maximum deceleration the distance controller is allowed to use for keeping the distance. Missing value is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: m/s2; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'maxSpeed'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Maximum speed the distance controller is allowed to use for keeping the distance. Missing value is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: [m/s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Maximum speed the distance controller is allowed to use for keeping the distance. Missing value is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: m/s; Range: [0..inf[.
  • EndOfRoadCondition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'duration'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Amount of time at end of road. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Amount of time at end of road. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.
  • EntityAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Defines an action that adds or deletes a referred entity. Entities to be added or deleted must be defined in the Entities section. An entity can only exist in one copy. Adding an already active entity will have no effect, neither will deleting an already inactive entity.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines an action that adds
  • EntityCondition (Changed)
    • Property 'relativeClearanceCondition' created.
    • Property 'reachPositionCondition'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • FileHeader (Changed)
    • Property 'properties' created.
  • Fog (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'visualRange'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
  • FollowTrajectoryAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'initialDistanceOffset'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        An offset into the trajectory. This has the effect of logically truncating the trajectory, so the resulting new trajectory starts at that distance offset. Where a timing TimeReference fields is provided, the time that would be taken to reach this point is deducted from all calculated waypoint time values. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..arclength of the trajectory].
        From 1.1.0
        An offset into the trajectory. This has the effect of logically truncating the trajectory, so the resulting new trajectory starts at that distance offset. Where a timing TimeReference fields is provided, the time that would be taken to reach this point is deducted from all calculated waypoint time values. Unit: m; Range [0..arclength of the trajectory].
  • Gear (Created)
  • GeoPosition (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Position defined in terms of the spherical geographic coordinates (angular Longitude and Latitude) derived from the geodetic datum specified in the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). Optionally, the orientation of the position can be specified. In the general case, the altitude of the target position above a conventional reference level (e.g., the mean sea level on the Earth) is determined by the surface of the underlying road, which is derived from the Longitude/Latitude-coordinates of the position. However, optionally, the altitude of the target position with respect to the road surface can be specified. The orientation of the road in the inertial (X,Y,Z)-coordinate system, in turn, is specified in the respective road network definition file too. The transformation of angular geographic coordinates into the flat (X,Y)-projection in the World coordinate system is entrusted to a simulation environment. However, if the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the Z-coordinate of the position is undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard.
        From 1.1.0
        A position described in geographic terms.
    • Property 'altitude' created.
    • Property 'latitudeDeg' created.
    • Property 'longitudeDeg' created.
    • Property 'height'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Height above a reference surface (e.g. sea level, earth surface). Unit: [m]. If the value is omitted, height is interpreted as 0.
        From 1.1.0
        Height above a reference surface (e.g. sea level, earth surface). Unit [m]. If the value is omitted, height is interpreted as 0.
    • Property 'height'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
    • Property 'latitude'. Lower cardinality changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'latitude'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The latitude of a point on earth's surface is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that passes through that point and through the center of the earth. Unit: [rad]. Range: [-PI..PI].
        From 1.1.0
        The latitude of a point on earth's surface is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that passes through that point and through the center of the earth. Unit [rad]. Range [-PI...PI]
    • Property 'latitude'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
    • Property 'longitude'. Lower cardinality changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'longitude'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The longitude of a point on earth's surface is the angle east or west of a reference meridian to another meridian that passes through that point. Unit: [rad]. Range: [-PI/2..PI/2].
        From 1.1.0
        The longitude of a point on earth's surface is the angle east or west of a reference meridian to another meridian that passes through that point. Unit [rad]. Range [-PI/2..PI/2]
    • Property 'longitude'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
    • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        In the case of altitude=0, the Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface at the target position and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system, which is assumed to be the projected coordinate system based on the spherical geographic coordinate system. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the reference (s,t)-coordinate system of the lane on the road underlying the target position. The Heading angle at the target position on the (s,t)-plane can be arbitrarily specified. To calculate the Heading, the imaginary straight axis at the target position is built parallel to the tangent to the reference lane s-axis on the reference road. The Heading is counted from this imaginary axis. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
        From 1.1.0
        Orientation. The relative reference context refers to the geo coordinates. Missing value is interpreted as (heading=0, pitch=0, roll=0, type='absolute').
  • GlobalAction (Changed)
    • Property 'variableAction' created.
    • Property 'parameterAction'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • InfrastructureAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'trafficSignalAction'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Set or override a signals state or a signal controllers state from a road network.
        From 1.1.0
        Set or overwrite a signals state or a signal controllers state from a road network.
  • Knot (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Knot vector value. Range: ]-inf..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Knot vector value. Range ]-inf..inf[.
  • LaneChangeAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'targetLaneOffset'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Lane offset to be reached at the target lane; the action will end there. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Lane offset to be reached at the target lane; the action will end there. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: m.
  • LaneOffsetActionDynamics (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'maxLateralAcc'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Maximum lateral acceleration used to initially reach and afterwards keep the lane offset. Missing value is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: [m/s²]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Maximum lateral acceleration used to initially reach and afterwards keep the lane offset. Missing value is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: m/s2; Range: [0..inf[.
  • LanePosition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Position defined in terms of the road segment (roadId), the lane (laneId) of the road, the distance (s) along the road's reference line, and the lateral offset to the lane's center line along the normal to the road's reference line. Orientation is optional. The s-coordinate and the offset should be specified so that the target position is within a road defined by roadId taken from the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). If the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the z-coordinate of the position is undefined.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines a position along a lane with a given s coordinate, lane ID, road ID and orientation.
    • Property 'laneId'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The ID of the target lane belonging to the target road (taken from the respective road network definition file).
        From 1.1.0
        ID of the current lane (ID of a lane in road network).
    • Property 'offset'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The lateral offset to the center line of the target lane (along the normal to the road's reference line). Missing value is interpreted as 0. The positive value means the offset is applied in the direction of the t-axis being imagined at the target s-position. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Lateral offset to the centerline of the current lane. Unit: m.
    • Property 'roadId'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The ID of the target road taken from the respective road network definition file.
        From 1.1.0
        ID of the current road (ID of a road in road network).
    • Property 's'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The s-coordinate taken along the road's reference line from the start point of the target road. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The s coordinate of the current position. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (X,Y)-plane counting from the X-axis. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the (s,t)-coordinate system of the target road that is considered a reference orientation. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (s,t)-plane counting from the tangent to the road s-axis at the point with the target s-coordinate. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
        From 1.1.0
        Orientation. The relative reference context refers to the referenced road's s and t coordinates. Missing value is interpreted as (heading=0, pitch=0, roll=0, type='absolute').
  • LateralDistanceAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'distance'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Lateral distance value. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Lateral distance value. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
  • LightState (Created)
  • LightStateAction (Created)
  • LightType (Created)
  • LongitudinalAction (Changed)
    • Property 'speedProfileAction' created.
    • Property 'speedAction'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        This action describes the transition between the current speed of an entity and its target speed.
        From 1.1.0
        This action describes the transition between the current longitudinal speed of an entity and its target speed.
  • LongitudinalDistanceAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        This action activates a controller for the longitudinal behavior of an entity in a way that a given distance or time gap to the reference entity is maintained. The target position may be either on the same road segment where the reference entity is positioned or on a connecting road. In the latter case for coordinate systems lane and road, the distance or time gap is calculated along the road reference line / lane centerline of the connecting road. It is assumed that the reference line of the road / lane centerline of the reference entity continues seamlessly on the connecting road (even if its shape changes). It is assumed that the target position relates to the routing of the reference entity. Otherwise, the calculation of the target position cannot be interpreted within the OpenSCENARIO standard.
        From 1.1.0
        This action activates a controller for the longitudinal behavior of an entity in a way that a given distance or time gap to the reference entity is maintained.
    • Property 'distance'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Distance value, not to be used together with timeGap attribute. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Distance value, not to be used together with timeGap attribute. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'timeGap'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Time gap value, not to be used together with distance attribute. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Time gap value, not to be used together with distance attribute. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.
  • ManualGear (Created)
  • MiscObject (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'mass'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Mass of the miscellaneous object. Unit: [kg]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Mass of the miscellaneous object. Unit: kg; Range: [0..inf[.
  • ModifyRule (Changed)
    • Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • NormalDistribution (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'variance'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the variance for a normal distribution.(Square of standard deviation).
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the variance for a normal distribution.(Square of standard deviation).
  • Nurbs (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'order'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Order of the NURBS trajectory. This is the order of the curve, not the degree of the polynomials, which will be one less than the order of the curve. Range: [2..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Order of the NURBS trajectory. This is the order of the curve, not the degree of the polynomials, which will be one less than the order of the curve. Range [2..inf[.
  • OffroadCondition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'duration'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Amount of time of driving offroad. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Amount of time of driving offroad. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.
  • Orientation (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Orientation is defined in terms of the Heading/Pitch/Roll orientation angles in the Cartesian coordinate system and considered in the absolute or relative reference context. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. If more than one orientation angle are specified at the same time, rotations are applied in the order: about Z-axis (Heading), then Y-axis (Pitch), then X-axis (Roll), assumed the positive rotation to be counter-clockwise. Heading=Pitch=Roll=0 means the orientation is aligned with coordinate axes (no rotation). The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to a reference coordinate system. In the case of referencing to the road- or lane coordinate system, Pitch and Roll angles are determined by a surface tilt of an underlying road and therefore cannot be meaningfully interpreted within the OpenSCENARIO standard. As well, the Heading=0 means the Heading is aligned with the direction of the reference lane or road s-axis. In other cases, Heading=Pitch=Roll=0 means the orientation is identical to the reference orientation.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines an absolute or relative orientation (heading, pitch and roll).
    • Property 'h'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Heading angle. Missing h value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [rad].
        From 1.1.0
        Heading angle. Missing h value is interpreted as 0. Unit: rad.
    • Property 'p'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Pitch angle. Missing p value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [rad].
        From 1.1.0
        Pitch angle. Missing p value is interpreted as 0. Unit: rad.
    • Property 'r'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Roll angle. Missing r value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [rad].
        From 1.1.0
        Roll angle. Missing r value is interpreted as 0. Unit: rad.
  • OverrideBrakeAction (Changed)
    • Property 'brakeInput' created.
    • Property 'value'. Lower cardinality changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'value'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • OverrideClutchAction (Changed)
    • Property 'maxRate' created.
  • OverrideControllerValueAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Overrides entity controller values. Mostly suited for motor vehicles. It is assumed that a respective user-defined Controller is assigned to the entity, defined in the "movement" domain, and activated.
        From 1.1.0
        Overrides entity controller values. Mostly suited for motor vehicles.
  • OverrideGearAction (Changed)
    • Property 'gear' created.
    • Property 'number'. Lower cardinality changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'number'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • OverrideParkingBrakeAction (Changed)
    • Property 'brakeInput' created.
    • Property 'value'. Lower cardinality changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Parking brake value. Unit: [%]. Range: [0..1]. The value 1 represent the maximum parking brake state.
        From 1.1.0
        Parking brake value. Unit: %; Range: [0..1]. The value 1 represent the maximum parking brake state.
    • Property 'value'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • OverrideSteeringWheelAction (Changed)
    • Property 'maxRate' created.
    • Property 'maxTorque' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Steering wheel angle. Unit: [rad].
        From 1.1.0
        Steering wheel angle. Unit: rad.
  • OverrideThrottleAction (Changed)
    • Property 'maxRate' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Throttle pedal value. Range: [0..1]. 0 represents 0%, 1 represents 100% of pressing the throttle pedal.
        From 1.1.0
        Throttle pedal value. Range: [0..1].0 represents 0%, 1 represents 100% of pressing the throttle pedal.
  • ParameterAction (Changed)
    • Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
    • Property 'setAction'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
    • Property 'modifyAction'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • ParameterAddValueRule (Changed)
    • Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • ParameterDeclaration (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Declaration of a typed parameter with a name and a default value. It is used for creating variations of the same scenario by using the ParameterValueDistributionDefinition in an additional file. There are two options for applying ParameterValueDistributions: * Pre-startup: Copy the scenario file and change/override the default value * On startup: Keep the scenario file but on startup of the OSC Director inject parameter values e.g. through the command line. The value of a parameter cannot change after startup during runtime.
        From 1.1.0
        Declaration of a parameter.
  • ParameterModifyAction (Changed)
    • Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • ParameterMultiplyByValueRule (Changed)
    • Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • ParameterSetAction (Changed)
    • Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • Pedestrian (Changed)
    • Property 'role' created.
    • Property 'mass'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The mass of a pedestrian. Unit: [kg]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The mass of a pedestrian in kg. Unit: kg; Range [0...inf[.
  • PedestrianAnimation (Created)
  • PedestrianGesture (Created)
  • Performance (Changed)
    • Property 'maxAccelerationRate' created.
    • Property 'maxDecelerationRate' created.
    • Property 'maxAcceleration'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Maximum acceleration of the vehicle. Unit: [m/s²]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Maximum acceleration of the vehicle. Unit: m/s^2. Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'maxDeceleration'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Maximum deceleration of the vehicle. Unit: [m/s²]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Maximum deceleration of the vehicle. Unit: m/s^2. Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'maxSpeed'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Maximum speed of the vehicle. Unit: [m/s].
        From 1.1.0
        Maximum speed of the vehicle. Unit: m/s.
  • Phase (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Phase of a TrafficSignalController. A TrafficSignalController has sequential phases. Each phase can have multiple TrafficSignalStates or one TrafficSignalGroupState (mutually exclusive). When TrafficSignalStates are used to model the states of a traffic signal individually, exactly one TrafficSignalState has to be defined for every traffic signal controlled by this TrafficSignalController. The semantic information like go, attention, stop, etc. is set in Phase attribute name and the state like the visual information "off;off;on" in trafficSignalStates or trafficSignalGroupState.
        From 1.1.0
        Phase of a TrafficSignalController. A TrafficSignalController has sequential phases. Each phase has multiple TrafficSignalStates.
    • Property 'trafficeSignalGroupState' created.
    • Property 'duration'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Duration of the phase. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Duration of the phase. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'name'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Semantic information about the phase. Typical values are: off, stop, attention, stop_attention, go, go_exclusive
        From 1.1.0
        Name of the phase.
    • Property 'trafficSignalStates'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Each phase can have multiple TrafficSignalStates to provide the state for all traffic signals individually that are controlled by the controller. One for each TrafficSignal. E.g. name="go" (trafficSignal1:"off;off;on", trafficSignal2:"off;off;on").
        From 1.1.0
        Each phase has multiple TrafficSignalStates. One for each TrafficSignal that is controlled. E.g. phase1 (trafficSignal1:true;false;false, trafficSignal2:false;false;true).
  • PositionInLaneCoordinates (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'laneOffset'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Lateral offset (relative to the lane centerline) of the actual position. If omitted, the lane offset is interpreted as 0. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Lateral offset (relative to the lane centerline) of the actual position. If omitted, the lane offset is interpreted as 0. Unit: m.
    • Property 'pathS'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        s-coordinate of the actual position. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        s-coordinate of the actual position. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
  • Precipitation (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'precipitationIntensity'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The intensity of the precipitation (valid for all precipitation types). Unit: [mm/h]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The intensity of the precipitation (valid for all precipitation types). Unit [mm/h]. Range [0...inf[
  • PrivateAction (Changed)
    • Property 'appearanceAction' created.
    • Property 'longitudinalAction'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Applies longitudinal control behavior on the reference entity/entities. Either a SpeedAction, LongitudinalDistanceAction or a SpeedProfileAction.
        From 1.1.0
        Applies longitudinal control behavior on the reference entity/entities. Either a SpeedAction or a LongitudinalDistanceAction.
  • Properties (Changed)
    • Property 'customContent' created.
  • ReachPositionCondition (Changed)
    • Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
    • Property 'tolerance'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Radius of tolerance circle around given position. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Radius of tolerance circle around given position. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
  • RelativeClearanceCondition (Created)
  • RelativeDistanceCondition (Changed)
    • Property 'routingAlgorithm' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The distance value. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The distance value. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
  • RelativeLanePosition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Defines a position derived from relative lane coordinates (dLane, ds / dsLane and offset) to a reference entity. Where ds is provided, the position is computed by the following process:  
        1. Find the closest road reference line point to the reference entity. Travel the road reference line difference ds from the position of the reference entity.
        2. Find the target lane by adding dLane to that of the reference entity and the intersection of the road reference line's normal with its center lane.
        3. Apply offset as a lateral offset.
        Alternatively where dsLane is provided, the following process is used:  
        1. Find the closest lane center line point to the reference entity. Travel the lane center line difference dsLane from the position of the reference entity in the direction the reference entity is facing.
        2. Find the target lane by adding dLane to that of the reference entity's and the intersection of the source lane's center lane normal with its center lane.
        3. Apply offset as a lateral offset.
        The target position may be either on the same road segment (defined by roadId), where the reference entity is positioned, or on a connecting road. In the latter case, the ds-coordinate is calculated assuming that the reference line of the road of the reference entity continues seamlessly on the connecting road (even if its shape changes). It is also assumed that the lane, where the reference entity is located, continues seamlessly on the connecting road (provided the lane's center line is unbroken between roads). It is assumed that the target position relates to the routing of the reference entity. Otherwise, the calculation of the target position cannot be interpreted within the OpenSCENARIO standard. The relative lane coordinates (dLane, ds/dsLane, and offset) should be specified so that the target position is within a road defined by roadId taken from the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). If the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the z-coordinate of the position is undefined.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines a position derived from relative lane coordinates (dLane, ds / dsLane and offset) to a reference entity. Where ds is provided, the position is computed by the following process:  
        1. Find the closest road reference line point to the reference entity. Travel the road reference line difference ds from the position of the reference entity.
        2. Find the target lane by adding dLane to that of the reference entity and the intersection of the road reference line's normal with its center lane.
        3. Apply offset as a lateral offset.
        Alternatively where dsLane is provided, the following process is used:  
        1. Find the closest lane center line point to the reference entity. Travel the lane center line difference dsLane from the position of the reference entity in the direction the reference entity is facing.
        2. Find the target lane by adding dLane to that of the reference entity's and the intersection of the source lane's center lane normal with its center lane.
        3. Apply offset as a lateral offset.
    • Property 'dLane'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The deviation value between the laneId of the lane, where the reference entity is located, and the target laneId.
        From 1.1.0
        Relative dlane to the lane of the reference entity.
    • Property 'ds'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The offset along the road's reference line relative to the s-coordinate of the reference entity. Mutually exclusive with dsLane. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Relative ds to the s of reference entity. Mutually exclusive with dsLane. Unit: m.
    • Property 'dsLane'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The offset along the center line of the lane, where the reference entity is located. Mutually exclusive with ds. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Relative offset along the reference entity's lane center. Mutually exclusive with ds. Unit: m.
    • Property 'offset'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The lateral offset to the center line of the target lane (along the normal to the road's reference line). Missing value is interpreted as 0. The positive value means the offset is applied in the direction of the t-axis being imagined at the target s-position. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Lateral offset to the target lane. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: m.
    • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface at the target position and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (X,Y)-plane counting from the X-axis. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the (s,t)-coordinate system of the lane where the reference entity is located. Only the Heading angle at the target position on the (s,t)-plane can be arbitrarily specified. To calculate the Heading, the imaginary straight axis at the target position is built parallel to the tangent to the reference lane s-axis at the reference entity s-position on the reference road s-axis. The Heading is counted from this imaginary axis. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
        From 1.1.0
        Orientation. The relative reference context refers to the referenced lane's s and t coordinates. Missing value is interpreted as (heading=0, pitch=0, roll=0, type='absolute').
  • RelativeLaneRange (Created)
  • RelativeObjectPosition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system (i.e., the orientation of the reference entity is ignored). The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the corresponding axes of the local (X,Y,Z)-coordinate system of the reference entity. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
        From 1.1.0
        Orientation. The relative reference context refers to the orientation of the reference entity. Missing value is interpreted as (heading=0, pitch=0, roll=0, type='absolute').
  • RelativeRoadPosition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Position defined in terms of the relative distance (ds) along the road's reference line and the relative lateral offset (dt) to the road's reference line which are derived from the position of the reference entity. The target position may be either on the same road segment (defined by roadId) where the reference entity is positioned or on a connecting road. In the latter case, the ds-coordinate is calculated along the road reference line of the connecting road. It is assumed that the reference line of the road of the reference entity continues seamlessly on the connecting road (even if its shape changes). It is assumed that the target position relates to the routing of the reference entity. Otherwise, the calculation of the target position cannot be interpreted within the OpenSCENARIO standard. The ds- and dt-coordinates should be specified so that the target position is within a road defined by roadId taken from the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). If the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the z-coordinate of the position is undefined.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines an absolute position derived from relative road coordinates delta s [ds] and delta t [dt] to a reference entity.
    • Property 'ds'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The offset along the road's reference line relative to the s-coordinate of the reference entity. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Relative ds road coordinate to s coordinate of the reference entity.
    • Property 'dt'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The offset on the axis orthogonal to the road's reference line relative to the t-coordinate of the reference entity. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Relative dt road coordinate to t coordinate of the reference entity.
    • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface at the target position and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (X,Y)-plane counting from the X-axis. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the (s,t)-coordinate system of the road of the reference entity. Only the Heading angle at the target position on the (s,t)-plane can be arbitrarily specified. To calculate the Heading, the imaginary straight axis at the target position is built parallel to the tangent to the reference road s-axis at the s-position of the reference entity. The Heading is counted from this imaginary axis. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
        From 1.1.0
        Orientation. The relative reference context refers to the referenced road's s and t coordinates.
  • RelativeSpeedCondition (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        The current relative speed of a triggering entity/entities to a reference entity is compared to a given value. The logical operator used for the evaluation is defined by the rule attribute. If direction is used, only the projection to that direction is used in the comparison, with the triggering entity/entities as the reference.
        From 1.1.0
        The current relative speed of a triggering entity/entities to a reference entity is compared to a given value. The logical operator used for the evaluation is defined by the rule attribute.
    • Property 'direction' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Relative speed value. Unit: [m/s].
        From 1.1.0
        Relative speed value. Unit: m/s.
  • RelativeSpeedToMaster (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Relative speed. Unit: [m/s]. Range: ]-inf..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Relative speed. Unit: m/s. Range: ]-inf..inf[.
  • RelativeTargetLaneOffset (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Lane offset with respect to the reference entity's current lane position. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Lane offset with respect to the reference entity's current lane position. Unit: m.
  • RelativeTargetSpeed (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'speedTargetValueType'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The value is either a delta (Unit: [m/s]) or a factor (no Unit).
        From 1.1.0
        The value is either a delta (Unit m/s) or a factor (no Unit).
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Value of the relative speed. This value is either given as a delta or as a factor. E.g. value=10 together with valueType=delta means the entity/entities are supposed to drive 10m/s faster than the target reference entity. E.g. value=1.1 together with valueType=factor means that the entity/entities are supposed to drive 10% faster than the target reference entity. Unit: [m/s] or [1].
        From 1.1.0
        Value of the relative speed. This value is either given as a delta or as a factor. E.g. value=10 together with valueType=delta means the entity/entities are supposed to drive 10m/s faster than the target reference entity. E.g. value=1.1 together with valueType=factor means that the entity/entities are supposed to drive 10% faster than the target reference entity. Unit: m/s or 1.
  • RelativeWorldPosition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'dx'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Relative x coordinate in the world coordinate system. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Relative x coordinate in the world coordinate system. Unit: m.
    • Property 'dy'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Relative y coordinate in the world coordinate system. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Relative y coordinate in the world coordinate system. Unit: m.
    • Property 'dz'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Relative z coordinate in the world coordinate system. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Relative z coordinate in the world coordinate system. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: m.
    • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system (i.e., the orientation of the reference entity is ignored). The relative reference context refers to the angular shift of orientation angles with respect to the corresponding orientation angles of the reference entity in the World coordinate system. The positive value means a counter-clockwise shift. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
        From 1.1.0
        Orientation. The relative reference context refers to the reference entity's orientation. Missing value is interpreted as (heading=0, pitch=0, roll=0, type='absolute').
  • RoadCondition (Changed)
    • Property 'wetness' created.
    • Property 'frictionScaleFactor'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Friction scale factor. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Friction scale factor. Range: [0..inf[
  • RoadPosition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Position defined in terms of the road segment (roadId), the distance (s) along the road's reference line, and the lateral offset (t) to the road's reference line at that point. Orientation is optional. The s- and t-coordinates should be specified so that the target position is within a road defined by roadId taken from the respective road network definition file (external to the ASAM OpenSCENARIO). If the target position would be outside the road boundaries, the z-coordinate of the position is undefined.
        From 1.1.0
        Position defined in terms of road ID, distance (s) along that road segment and offset from reference lane (t) at that point. Orientation is optional.
    • Property 'roadId'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The ID of the target road taken from the respective road network definition file.
        From 1.1.0
        Identifier of the road, defined in the road network definition file (external to ASAM OpenSCENARIO).
    • Property 's'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The s-coordinate taken along the road's reference line from the start point of the target road. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Represents s coordinate along the reference line of the road.
    • Property 't'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The t-coordinate taken on the axis orthogonal to the reference line of the road. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Represents t coordinate orthogonal to the reference line of the road.
    • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (X,Y)-plane counting from the X-axis. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the (s,t)-coordinate system of the target road that is considered a reference orientation. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (s,t)-plane counting from the tangent to the road s-axis at the point with the target s-coordinate. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
        From 1.1.0
        Orientation. The relative reference context refers to the referenced road's s and t coordinates. Missing value is interpreted as (heading=0, pitch=0, roll=0, type='absolute').
  • ScenarioDefinition (Changed)
    • Property 'variableDeclarations' created.
    • Property 'parameterDeclarations'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Declaration of typed parameters with names and default values. It is used for creating variations of the same scenario. The value of the parameters cannot change after startup during runtime.
        From 1.1.0
        Global Parameter declaration. Some parameter represent placeholders to be resolved when the scenario file is loaded. Some parameters represent runtime values that can be controlled with ParameterActions and ParameterConditions during simulation time.
    • Property 'catalogLocations'. Stereotype <<XSDelement>>. Tagged value 'position' changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'roadNetwork'. Stereotype <<XSDelement>>. Tagged value 'position' changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'entities'. Stereotype <<XSDelement>>. Tagged value 'position' changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'storyboard'. Stereotype <<XSDelement>>. Tagged value 'position' changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
  • ScenarioObject (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        A scenario object represents a runtime object that is created from an EntityObject (vehicle type, pedestrian type, miscellaneous object type and external object reference type) and Controllers. Miscellaneous objects and external object references must not have controllers.
        From 1.1.0
        A scenario object represents a runtime object that is created from an EntityObject (vehicle type, pedestrian type, miscellaneous object type) and a Controller. Miscellaneous objects must not have a controller.
    • Property 'objectController'. Upper cardinality changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
  • SensorReference (Created)
  • SensorReferenceSet (Created)
  • SimulationTimeCondition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Time value of the simulation time condition. Unit: [s].
        From 1.1.0
        Time value of the simulation time condition. Unit: s.
  • SpeedAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        This action describes the transition of an entity's speed to a target speed. SpeedActionDynamics specifies the transition with respects to time or distance combined with a shape.
        From 1.1.0
        This action describes the transition of an entity's longitudinal speed to a target longitudinal speed. SpeedActionDynamics specifies the transition with respects to time or distance combined with a shape.
  • SpeedActionTarget (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'relativeTargetSpeed'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the target speed as relative speed to a reference entity. Unit: [m/s].
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the target speed as relative speed to a reference entity. Unit: m/s.
    • Property 'absoluteTargetSpeed'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the target speed as absolute speed. Unit: [m/s].
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the target speed as absolute speed.Unit: m/s.
  • SpeedCondition (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Compares a triggering entity's/entities' speed to a target speed. The logical operator for the comparison is given by the rule attribute. If direction is used, only the projection to that direction is used in the comparison.
        From 1.1.0
        Compares a triggering entity's/entities' speed to a target speed. The logical operator for the comparison is given by the rule attribute.
    • Property 'direction' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Speed value of the speed condition. Unit: [m/s].
        From 1.1.0
        Speed value of the speed condition. Unit m/s.
  • SpeedProfileAction (Created)
  • SpeedProfileEntry (Created)
  • StandStillCondition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'duration'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Duration time of still standing to let the logical expression become true. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Duration time of still standing to let the logical expression become true. Unit: s. Range [0..inf[.
  • Stochastic (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'numberOfTestRuns'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the total number of runs for each stochastic distribution.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the total number of runs for each stochastic distribution.
  • Storyboard (Changed)
    • Property 'stories'. Lower cardinality changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
  • Sun (Changed)
    • Property 'illuminance' created.
    • Property 'azimuth'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Azimuth of the sun, counted clockwise, 0=north, PI/2 = east, PI=south, 3/2 PI=west. Unit: [rad]. Range: [0..2*PI].
        From 1.1.0
        Azimuth of the sun, counted counterclockwise, 0=north, PI/2 = east, PI=south, 3/2 PI=west. Unit: radian; Range: [0..2PI].
    • Property 'elevation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Solar elevation angle, 0=x/y plane, PI/2=zenith. Unit: [rad]. Range: [-PI..PI].
        From 1.1.0
        Solar elevation angle, 0=x/y plane, PI/2=zenith. Unit: rad; Range: [-PI..PI].
    • Property 'intensity'. Lower cardinality changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
    • Property 'intensity'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Illuminance of the sun, direct sunlight is around 100,000 lx. Unit: [lx]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Illuminance of the sun, direct sunlight is around 100,00 lx. Unit: lux; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'intensity'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • SynchronizeAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'targetTolerance'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Radius of tolerance circle around given TargetPosition. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Radius of tolerance circle around given TargetPosition. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf].
    • Property 'targetToleranceMaster'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Radius of tolerance circle around given TargetPositionMaster. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Radius of tolerance circle around given TargetPositionMaster. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf].
  • TargetDistanceSteadyState (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'distance'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The distance. Unit: [m]. Range: ]0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The distance. Unit: m; Range ]0..inf[.
  • TargetTimeSteadyState (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'time'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The time to reach target position. Unit: [s]. Range: ]0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The time to reach target position. Unit: s; Range ]0..inf[.
  • TimeHeadwayCondition (Changed)
    • Property 'routingAlgorithm' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The time headway value. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The time headway value. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.
  • TimeToCollisionCondition (Changed)
    • Property 'routingAlgorithm' created.
    • Property 'freespace'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        True: time to collision is measured using the distance between closest bounding box points. False: reference point distance is used.
        From 1.1.0
        True: time to collision is measured using the distance between closest bounding box points.False: reference point distance is used.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The time to collision value. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The time to collision value. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.
  • Timing (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'offset'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Introduction of a global offset for all time values. Unit: [s]. Range: ]-inf..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Introduction of a global offset for all time values. Unit: s; Range: ]-inf..inf[.
  • TrafficDefinition (Changed)
    • Property 'vehicleRoleDistribution' created.
    • Property 'controllerDistribution'. Stereotype <<XSDelement>>. Tagged value 'position' changed.
      • New Value
        From 1.1.0
  • TrafficSignalAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Action used to set or override a signals state or a signal controllers state.
        From 1.1.0
        Action used to set or overwrite a signals state or a signal controllers state.
  • TrafficSignalController (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        The controller provides identical Phases for one or more dynamic signals. Controllers serve as wrappers for the behavior of a group of signals. (see OpenDRIVE definition of a Controller and civil engineering specifications like the German "Richtlinien für Lichtsignalanlagen" about Signalgroups)
        From 1.1.0
        Controls the state of a collection of traffic signals.
    • Property 'delay'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The delay to the controller in the reference property. A controller having a delay to another one means that its first phase virtually starts delaytime seconds after the start of the reference's first phase. This can be used to define a progressive signal system, but only makes sense, if the total times of all connected controllers are the same. If delay is set, reference is required. Unit: [s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The delay to the controller in the reference property. A controller having a delay to another one means that its first phase virtually starts delaytime seconds after the start of the reference's first phase. This can be used to define a progressive signal system, but only makes sense, if the total times of all connected controllers are the same. If delay is set, reference is required. Unit: s; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'name'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        ID of the traffic signal controller in the road network, e.g. a OpenDRIVE controller ID.
        From 1.1.0
        ID of the traffic signal controller in the road network.
  • TrafficSignalGroupState (Created)
  • TrafficSignalState (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        State of a traffic signal for this phase. One state per phase and traffic signal.
        From 1.1.0
        Possible state of traffic signal within a phase. One state per phase.
    • Property 'state'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        State of the signal, e.g. the visual information "off;off;on". The number of values in the state depends on the traffic signal in the roadnetwork , e.g. type and subtype in OpenDRIVE
        From 1.1.0
        State of the signal. The available states are listed in the TrafficSignal list of the RoadNetwork.
  • TrafficSinkAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'radius'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the radius of the traffic sink where vehicles disappear around the specified position. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the radius of the traffic sink where vehicles disappear around the specified position. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'rate'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the rate on which vehicles disappear at the sinks location. If omitted, rate is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: [vehicles/s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the rate on which vehicles disappear at the sinks location. If omitted, rate is interpreted as 'inf'. Unit: vehicles/s Range: [0..inf[.
  • TrafficSourceAction (Changed)
    • Property 'speed' created.
    • Property 'radius'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the radius of the traffic source where vehicles appear around the specific position. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the radius of the traffic source where vehicles appear around the specific position. Unit: m. Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'rate'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the rate on which vehicles appear at the source location. Unit: [vehicles/s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the rate on which vehicles appear at the source location. Unit: vehicles/s. Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'velocity'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The optional starting velocity of a scenario object. Unit: [m/s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The optional starting velocity of a scenario object. Unit: m/s; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'velocity'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • TrafficSwarmAction (Changed)
    • Property 'initialSpeedRange' created.
    • Property 'directionOfTravelDistribution' created.
    • Property 'innerRadius'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Radius of the inner circular area around the central entity. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Radius of the inner circular area around the central entity. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'offset'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Offset in longitudinal direction related to the x-axis of the central entity. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Offset in longitudinal direction related to the x-axis of the central entity. Unit: m;.
    • Property 'semiMajorAxis'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Shape of the swarm traffic distribution area is given as an ellipsis around a central entity. SemiMajorAxis defines the half length of the major axis of this ellipsis. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Shape of the swarm traffic distribution area is given as an ellipsis around a central entity. SemiMajorAxis defines the half length of the major axis of this ellipsis. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'semiMinorAxis'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Shape of the swarm traffic distribution area is given as an ellipsis around a central entity. SemiMinorAxis defines the half length of the minor axis of this ellipsis. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Shape of the swarm traffic distribution area is given as an ellipsis around a central entity. SemiMinorAxis defines the half length of the minor axis of this ellipsis. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'velocity'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The optional starting velocity of the created entities. Unit: [m/s]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The optional starting velocity of a created entity. Unit: m/s; Range: [0..inf[.
    • Property 'velocity'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • Trajectory (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'closed'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        If 'true', then the trajectory forms a loop, where the end of the trajectory is connected to the start of the trajectory by a straight line. For continuous derivatives of this segment, end and start point can also be at the same position and form a zero-length segment. A FollowTrajectoryAction with a closed trajectory doesn't end regularly but has to be stopped. If 'true' then the timing information in the trajectory cannot be used as absolute values.
        From 1.1.0
        True if trajectory is closed.
  • TrajectoryPosition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 's'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Represents the s coordinate from the start of the trajectory. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..arclength of the trajectory].
        From 1.1.0
        Represents the s coordinate from the start of the trajectory, Unit: m; Range [0, arclength of the trajectory in meters].
    • Property 't'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Represents the t coordinate orthogonal to the arclength of the trajectory. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        Represents the t coordinate orthogonal to the arclength of the trajectory. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: m.
    • Property 'orientation'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The Pitch and Roll angles are determined by the underlying road surface at the target position and therefore undefined by the OpenSCENARIO standard. The absolute reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the World coordinate system. Only the Heading angle at the target position can be arbitrarily specified on the (X,Y)-plane counting from the X-axis. The relative reference context refers to the orientation with respect to the (s,t)-coordinate system of the reference trajectory. Only the Heading angle at the target position on the (s,t)-plane can be arbitrarily specified. To calculate the Heading, the imaginary straight axis at the target position is built parallel to the tangent to the reference trajectory s-axis at the point with the target s-coordinate. The Heading is counted from this imaginary axis. If the reference trajectory s-axis shape contains sharp "kinks" (e.g., vertices on the polyline shape), the relative reference context with respect to such points cannot be interpreted within the OpenSCENARIO standard. Missing Orientation property is interpreted as the absolute reference context with Heading=Pitch=Roll=0.
        From 1.1.0
        The orientation. The relative reference context refers to the referenced trajectory's s and t coordinates. Optional, the orientation of the trajectory's tangent at s if omitted.
  • TransitionDynamics (Changed)
    • Property 'followingMode' created.
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The value for a predefined rate (Unit: [delta/s]), time (Unit: [s]) or distance (Unit: [m]) to acquire the target value. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The value for a predefined rate (Unit: delta/s), time (Unit: s) or distance (Unit: m) to acquire the target value. Range: [0..inf[.
  • TraveledDistanceCondition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'value'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Amount of traveled distance. Unit: [m]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        Amount of traveled distance. Unit: m; Range: [0..inf[.
  • UserDefinedAction (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Used to either issue a command to the simulation environment (e.g. test software, system under test, simulation models) or start an external script. Allows the user to activate custom actions in their simulation user software.
        From 1.1.0
        Used to either issue a command to the simulation environment or start an external script. Allows the user to activate custom actions in their simulation tool.
  • UserDefinedAnimation (Created)
  • UserDefinedComponent (Created)
  • UserDefinedDistribution (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'type'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Defines the type of the UserDefinedDistribution
        From 1.1.0
        Defines the type of the UserDefinedDistribution
  • UserDefinedLight (Created)
  • UserDefinedValueCondition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        This condition acts as a wrapper for external custom conditions which are implemented in the simulation user software. It can compare e.g. complex types, which are not covered by the primitive types of OpenSCENARIO (boolean, int, double...). This condition is considered true if the given external value verifies the specified relation rule (<, <=, ==, >=, >) relatively to the provided reference value. The external value can only be set from outside the scenario. Therefore this condition creates an interface from the scenario to the simulator or other components (e.g. test software, test case, system under test or simulation models).
        From 1.1.0
        This condition acts as a wrapper for external custom conditions which are implemented in the user software. This condition is considered true if the given value verifies the specified relation rule (bigger than, smaller than, or equal to) relatively to the provided reference.
  • VariableAction (Created)
  • VariableAddValueRule (Created)
  • VariableCondition (Created)
  • VariableDeclaration (Created)
  • VariableModifyAction (Created)
  • VariableModifyRule (Created)
  • VariableMultiplyByValueRule (Created)
  • VariableSetAction (Created)
  • Vehicle (Changed)
    • Property 'role' created.
    • Property 'mass'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The mass of a vehicle. Unit: [kg]. Range: [0..inf[.
        From 1.1.0
        The mass of a vehicle in kg. Unit: kg; Range [0...inf[.
  • VehicleComponent (Created)
  • VehicleLight (Created)
  • VehicleRoleDistribution (Created)
  • VehicleRoleDistributionEntry (Created)
  • VisibilityAction (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Action that toggles (on or off) an entity's visibility attributes, with respect to sensors, other traffic or the graphics engine. The default for entities is that they are visible everywhere.
        From 1.1.0
        Action that toggles (on or off) an entity's visibility attributes, with respect to sensors, other traffic or the graphics engine.
    • Property 'sensorReferenceSet' created.
  • Weather (Changed)
    • Property 'fractionalCloudCover' created.
    • Property 'domeImage' created.
    • Property 'atmosphericPressure'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Reference atmospheric pressure at z=0.0 in world coordinate system. Unit: [Pa]. Range: [80000..120000]. The actual atmospheric pressure around the entities of the scenario has to be calculated depending on their z position. See also the Standard Atmosphere as defined in ISO2533.
        From 1.1.0
        Reference atmospheric pressure at z=0.0 in world coordinate system. Unit: Pascal (Pa), Range: [80000...120000]. The actual atmospheric pressure around the entities of the scenario has to be calculated depending on their z position. See also the Standard Atmosphere as defined in ISO2533.
    • Property 'cloudState'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
    • Property 'temperature'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Outside temperature at z=0.0 in world coordinate system. Unit: [K]. Range: [170..340]. The actual outside temperature around the entities of the scenario has to be calculated depending on their z position.
        From 1.1.0
        Outside temperature at z=0.0 in world coordinate system. Unit: Kelvin (K), Range: [170...340]. The actual outside temperature around the entities of the scenario has to be calculated depending on their z position.
  • Wind (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'direction'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The target direction of the wind (not the origin direction) in the ground/xy-plane of the world coordinate system. Corresponds to the heading/yaw angle. x-axis-direction is 0 rad. Unit: [rad]. Range: [0..2*PI[.
        From 1.1.0
        The target direction of the wind (not the origin direction) in the ground/xy-plane of the world coordinate system. Corresponds to the heading/yaw angle. x-axis-direction is 0 rad. Unit [rad]. Range [0...2 pi[
    • Property 'speed'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The wind speed. Unit: [m/s]. Range: [0..inf[
        From 1.1.0
        The wind speed. Unit [m/s]. Range [0...inf[
  • WorldPosition (Changed, annotations only)
    • Property 'h'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The heading angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the z-axis (see ISO 8855:2011). Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [rad].
        From 1.1.0
        The heading angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the z-axis (see ISO 8855:2011). Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: rad.
    • Property 'p'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The pitch angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the y-axis (see ISO 8855:2011). Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [rad].
        From 1.1.0
        The pitch angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the y-axis (see ISO 8855:2011). Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: rad.
    • Property 'r'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The roll angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the x-axis (see ISO 8855:2011). Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [rad].
        From 1.1.0
        The roll angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the x-axis (see ISO 8855:2011). Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: rad.
    • Property 'x'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The x coordinate value. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        The x coordinate value. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: m.
    • Property 'y'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The y coordinate value. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        The y coordinate value. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: m.
    • Property 'z'. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The z coordinate value. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: [m].
        From 1.1.0
        The z coordinate value. Missing value is interpreted as 0. Unit: m.

Changed Enumerations
  • AutomaticGearType (Created)
  • CloudState (Changed)
    • Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • ColorType (Created)
  • ControllerType (Created)
  • DirectionalDimension (Created)
  • FollowingMode (Changed, annotations only)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Type of control actuation when following a lateral or longitudinal trajectory, shape or profile.
        From 1.1.0
        Type of lateral control actuation when following a trajectory.
    • Enumeration literal 'follow' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Follow the lateral and/or longitudinal target value as good as possible by observing the dynamic constraints of the entity (e.g. for a driver model).
        From 1.1.0
        Follow of the steering target (e.g. for a driver model).
    • Enumeration literal 'position' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Follow the trajectory, shape or profile exactly by ignoring the dynamic constraints of the entity.
        From 1.1.0
        Explicit definition of the lateral position of an entity.
  • FractionalCloudCover (Created)
  • LightMode (Created)
  • ParameterType (Changed)
    • Annotation changed
      • New Value
        Allowed data types for parameters defined in a parameter declaration. The types mentioned here match the corresponding datatypes the W3C XML Schema defines.
        From 1.1.0
        Allowed data types for parameters defined in a parameter declaration.
    • Enumeration literal 'int' created.
    • Enumeration literal 'boolean' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Boolean - true or false.
        From 1.1.0
    • Enumeration literal 'dateTime' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        DateTime - Instant of time (Gregorian calendar).
        From 1.1.0
    • Enumeration literal 'double' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Double - IEEE 64-bit floating-point.
        From 1.1.0
    • Enumeration literal 'integer' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        Integer (32-bit signed integer, equivalent to "int").
        From 1.1.0
    • Enumeration literal 'integer'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
    • Enumeration literal 'unsignedInt' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        UnsignedInt - Unsigned integer of 32 bits.
        From 1.1.0
    • Enumeration literal 'unsignedShort' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        UnsignedShort - Unsigned integer of 16 bits.
        From 1.1.0
  • PedestrianGestureType (Created)
  • PedestrianMotionType (Created)
  • Priority (Changed)
    • Enumeration literal 'override' created.
    • Enumeration literal 'overwrite'. Stereotype <<deprecated>> applied.
  • Role (Created)
  • RoutingAlgorithm (Created)
  • SpeedTargetValueType (Changed, annotations only)
    • Enumeration literal 'delta' changed. Annotation changed.
      • New Value
        The relative value is interpreted as a difference to a referenced value. Unit: [m/s]. As an example, a speed value of 10 equals a speed that's 10m/s faster than the reference speed.
        From 1.1.0
        The relative value is interpreted as a difference to a referenced value. Unit: m/s. As an example, a speed value of 10 equals a speed that's 10m/s faster than the reference speed.
  • VehicleComponentType (Created)
  • VehicleLightType (Created)
  • Wetness (Created)