ATF_FILE V1.4.1; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXAMPLE 3 --- 22.9.2000 //------------------------------------------------------------------------- //************************************************************************* // // Application Structure // //************************************************************************* */ /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Hierarchic ordering of tests and measurements // Application elements // Engine, Test, Measurement, MeaQuantity // of base type AoTest, AoSubtest, AoMeasurement, AoMeasurementQuantity // // Security information is included // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ APPLELEM Engine, BASETYPE AoTest APPLATTR EngineName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR EngineId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR EngineVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR EngineDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR CreateDate, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR EngineType, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR bore, DATATYPE DT_FLOAT; APPLATTR cylindernumber, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR stroke, DATATYPE DT_FLOAT; APPLATTR SubTests, BASEATTR children, REF_TO Test, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR EngineUser, REF_TO User; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM Test, BASETYPE AoSubTest APPLATTR TestName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR TestId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR TestVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR TestDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR CreateDate, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR TestType, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR TestComment, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR exhaust, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR air_filter, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR Measurements, BASEATTR children, REF_TO Measurement, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR MainTest, BASEATTR parent_test, REF_TO Engine; APPLATTR TestUser, REF_TO User; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM Measurement, BASETYPE AoMeasurement APPLATTR MeaName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR MeaId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR MeaVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR MeaDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR MeasurementBegin, BASEATTR measurement_begin,DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR MeasurementEnd, BASEATTR measurement_end, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR CreateDate, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR MeaType, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR MeaComment, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR ROZ, DATATYPE DT_FLOAT; APPLATTR Test, BASEATTR test, REF_TO Test; APPLATTR MeaQuantities, BASEATTR measurement_quantities, REF_TO MeaQuantity, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR Submatrices, BASEATTR submatrices, REF_TO Submatrix, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM MeaQuantity, BASETYPE AoMeasurementQuantity APPLATTR MeaQName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR MeaQId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR MeaQVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR MeaQDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR Rank, BASEATTR rank, DATATYPE DT_LONG; APPLATTR Dimension, BASEATTR dimension, DATATYPE DT_LONG, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR DataType, BASEATTR datatype, DATATYPE DT_ENUM; APPLATTR TypeSize, BASEATTR type_size, DATATYPE DT_LONG; APPLATTR Interpolation, BASEATTR interpolation, DATATYPE DT_ENUM; APPLATTR Minimum, BASEATTR minimum, DATATYPE DT_DOUBLE; APPLATTR Maximum, BASEATTR maximum, DATATYPE DT_DOUBLE; APPLATTR Average, BASEATTR average, DATATYPE DT_DOUBLE; APPLATTR SDeviation, BASEATTR standard_deviation, DATATYPE DT_DOUBLE; APPLATTR MeaQuantStat, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR TimeOffset, DATATYPE DT_DOUBLE; APPLATTR SamplingRate, DATATYPE DT_DOUBLE; APPLATTR Measurement, BASEATTR measurement, REF_TO Measurement; APPLATTR LocalColumns, BASEATTR local_columns, REF_TO LocalColumn, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR Quantity, BASEATTR quantity, REF_TO Quantity; APPLATTR Unit, BASEATTR unit, REF_TO Unit; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM Submatrix,BASETYPE AoSubmatrix APPLATTR name, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR id, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONG; APPLATTR version, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR description, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR number_of_rows, BASEATTR number_of_rows, DATATYPE DT_LONG; APPLATTR local_columns, BASEATTR local_columns, REF_TO LocalColumn, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR measurement, BASEATTR measurement, REF_TO Measurement; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM LocalColumn,BASETYPE AoLocalColumn APPLATTR name, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR id, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONG; APPLATTR version, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR description, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR flags, BASEATTR flags, DATATYPE DT_SHORT, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR global_flag, BASEATTR global_flag, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR independent, BASEATTR independent, DATATYPE DT_BOOLEAN; APPLATTR sequence_representation, BASEATTR sequence_representation, DATATYPE DT_ENUM; APPLATTR minimum, BASEATTR minimum, DATATYPE DT_DOUBLE; APPLATTR maximum, BASEATTR maximum, DATATYPE DT_DOUBLE; APPLATTR values, BASEATTR values, DATATYPE DT_UNKNOWN, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR submatrix, BASEATTR submatrix, REF_TO Submatrix; APPLATTR measurement_quantity, BASEATTR measurement_quantity, REF_TO MeaQuantity; ENDAPPLELEM; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Construction of a catalogue of quantities // Application elements // Quantity (-Group),Unit (-Group), PhysDim, // of base type AoQuantity (-Group),AoUnit(-Group), AoPhysicalDimension // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ APPLELEM Quantity, BASETYPE AoQuantity APPLATTR QName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR QId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR QVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR QDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR DefaultRank, BASEATTR default_rank, DATATYPE DT_LONG; APPLATTR DefaultDimension, BASEATTR default_dimension, DATATYPE DT_LONG, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR DefaultDatatype, BASEATTR default_datatype, DATATYPE DT_ENUM; APPLATTR DefaultType_size,BASEATTR default_type_size, DATATYPE DT_LONG; APPLATTR DefaultMqName, BASEATTR default_mq_name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR DefaultUnit, BASEATTR default_unit, REF_TO Unit; APPLATTR Successors, BASEATTR successors, REF_TO Quantity, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR Predecessor, BASEATTR predecessor, REF_TO Quantity; APPLATTR QuantityGroup, BASEATTR groups, REF_TO QuantityGroup, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM QuantityGroup, BASETYPE AoQuantityGroup APPLATTR QGroupName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR QGroupId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR QGroupVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR QGroupDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR QantGroupState, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR ListOfQuantities, BASEATTR quantities, REF_TO Quantity, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM Unit, BASETYPE AoUnit APPLATTR UnitName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR UnitId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR UnitVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR UnitDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR UnitFactor, BASEATTR factor, DATATYPE DT_FLOAT; APPLATTR UnitOffset, BASEATTR offset, DATATYPE DT_FLOAT; APPLATTR PhysDim, BASEATTR phys_dimension,REF_TO PhysDim; APPLATTR UnitGroups, BASEATTR groups, REF_TO UnitGroup, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM UnitGroup, BASETYPE AoUnitGroup APPLATTR UGroupName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR UGroupId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR UGroupVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR UGroupDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR UnitGroupstate, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR Units, BASEATTR units, REF_TO Unit, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM PhysDim, BASETYPE AoPhysicalDimension APPLATTR PhysDimName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR PhysDimId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR PhysDimVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR PhysDimDescription,BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR length, BASEATTR length_exp, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR mass, BASEATTR mass_exp, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR time, BASEATTR time_exp, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR current, BASEATTR current_exp, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR temperature, BASEATTR temperature_exp, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR molar, BASEATTR molar_amount_exp, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR luminous, BASEATTR luminous_intensity_exp, DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR Units, BASEATTR units, REF_TO Unit, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; ENDAPPLELEM; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Application elements User, UserGroup, ACLA, ACLI used for // security information // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ APPLELEM User, BASETYPE AoUser APPLATTR UserName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR UserId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR UserVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR UserDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR password, BASEATTR password, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR groups, BASEATTR groups, REF_TO UserGroup, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; APPLATTR UserDepartment, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR AliasName, DATATYPE DT_STRING; ENDAPPLELEM; APPLELEM UserGroup, BASETYPE AoUserGroup APPLATTR GroupName, BASEATTR name, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR GroupId, BASEATTR id, DATATYPE DT_LONGLONG; APPLATTR GroupVersion, BASEATTR version, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR GroupDescription, BASEATTR description, DATATYPE DT_STRING; APPLATTR version_date, BASEATTR version_date, DATATYPE DT_DATE; APPLATTR superuser_flag, BASEATTR superuser_flag,DATATYPE DT_SHORT; APPLATTR users, BASEATTR users, REF_TO User, CARDINALITY 0,MANY; ENDAPPLELEM; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ACLA, ACLI, ACLTemplate are NOT application elements, instead belong // only to the base element, therefore NOT included here. // // SecurityLevel, InitialRightsAt are NOT application elements, instead // belong only to the base element, therefore NOT included here. // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* //************************************************************************* // // Instance elements section // //************************************************************************* */ /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instance elements of the application element PhysDim // from base type AoPhysicalDimension //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ INSTELEM PhysDim PhysDimName = "empty "; PhysDimId = 1; PhysDimVersion = "1.0"; PhysDimDescription = "No dimension"; version_date = "199702010900"; length = 0; // Meter m mass = 0; // Kilogramme kg time = 0; // Second s current = 0; // Ampere A temperature = 0; // Kelvin K molar = 0; // mol mol luminous = 0; // Candela cd units = 1; /* Refs to instance elements of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM PhysDim PhysDimName = "temperature"; PhysDimId = 2; PhysDimVersion = "1.0"; PhysDimDescription = "temperature dimension"; version_date = "199702010900"; length = 0; // Meter m mass = 0; // Kilogramme kg time = 0; // Second s current = 0; // Ampere A temperature = 1; // Kelvin K molar = 0; // mol mol luminous = 0; // Candela cd units = 2,3; /* Refs to instance elements of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM PhysDim PhysDimName = "frequency"; PhysDimId = 3; PhysDimVersion = "1.0"; PhysDimDescription = "frequency dimension"; version_date = "199702010900"; length = 0; // Meter m mass = 0; // Kilogramme kg time = -1; // Second s current = 0; // Ampere A temperature = 0; // Kelvin K molar = 0; // mol mol luminous = 0; // Candela cd units = 4,5; /* Refs to instance elements of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM PhysDim PhysDimName = "work"; PhysDimId = 4; PhysDimVersion = "1.0"; PhysDimDescription = "work dimension"; version_date = "199702010900"; length = 2; // Meter m mass = 1; // Kilogramme kg time = -2; // Second s current = 0; // Ampere A temperature = 0; // Kelvin K molar = 0; // mol mol luminous = 0; // Candela cd units = 6; /* Refs to instance elements of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM PhysDim PhysDimName = "pressure"; PhysDimId = 5; PhysDimVersion = "1.0"; PhysDimDescription = "pressure dimension"; version_date = "199702010900"; length = -1; // Meter m mass = 1; // Kilogramme kg time = -2; // Second s current = 0; // Ampere A temperature = 0; // Kelvin K molar = 0; // mol mol luminous = 0; // Candela cd units = 7,8; /* Refs to instance elements of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instance elements of the application element Unit // from base type AoUnit //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ INSTELEM Unit UnitName = "-"; UnitId = 1; UnitVersion = "1.0"; UnitDescription = "Empty Unit"; version_date = "199702010900"; UnitFactor = 1.; UnitOffset = 0.; PhysDim = 1; /* Ref to instance element of PhysDim */ UnitGroups = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of UnitGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Unit UnitName = "Grd C"; UnitId = 2; UnitVersion = "1.0"; UnitDescription = "Grad Celcius"; version_date = "199702010900"; UnitFactor = 1.0; UnitOffset = 273.15; PhysDim = 2; /* Ref to instance element of PhysDim */ UnitGroups = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of UnitGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Unit UnitName = "Grd K"; UnitId = 3; UnitVersion = "1.0"; UnitDescription = "Grad Kelvin"; version_date = "199702010900"; UnitFactor = 1.0; UnitOffset = 0.; PhysDim = 2; /* Ref to instance element of PhysDim */ UnitGroups = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of UnitGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Unit UnitName = "1/min"; UnitId = 4; UnitVersion = "1.0"; UnitDescription = "Revolution per minunte"; version_date = "199702010900"; UnitFactor = 0.016667; UnitOffset = 0.; PhysDim = 3; /* Ref to instance element of PhysDim */ UnitGroups = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of UnitGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Unit UnitName = "1/sec"; UnitId = 5; UnitVersion = "1.0"; UnitDescription = "Revolution per second"; version_date = "199702010900"; UnitFactor = 1.0; UnitOffset = 0.; PhysDim = 3; /* Ref to instance element of PhysDim */ UnitGroups = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of UnitGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Unit UnitName = "Nm"; UnitId = 6; UnitVersion = "1.0"; UnitDescription = "Torque in Nm"; version_date = "199702010900"; UnitFactor = 1.; UnitOffset = 0.; PhysDim = 4; /* Ref to instance element of PhysDim */ UnitGroups = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of UnitGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Unit UnitName = "mbar"; UnitId = 7; UnitVersion = "1.0"; UnitDescription = "Pressure in mbar"; version_date = "199702010900"; UnitFactor = 100.; UnitOffset = 0.; PhysDim = 5; /* Ref to instance element of PhysDim */ UnitGroups = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of UnitGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Unit UnitName = "bar"; UnitId = 8; UnitVersion = "1.0"; UnitDescription = "Pressure in bar"; version_date = "199702010900"; UnitFactor = 100000.; UnitOffset = 0.; PhysDim = 5; /* Ref to instance element of PhysDim */ UnitGroups = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of UnitGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instance elements of the application element Quantity // from base type AoQuantity //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ INSTELEM Quantity QName = "TEMP"; QId = 1; QVersion = "1.1"; QDescription = "Temperature Quantity central"; version_date = "199703100900"; DefaultRank = 0; DefaultDimension = UNDEFINED; DefaultDatatype = "DT_FLOAT"; DefaultType_size = UNDEFINED; DefaultMqName = "TEMP"; DefaultUnit = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ Predecessor = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Successors = 2,3; /* Refs to instance elements of Quantity */ QuantityGroup = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance els.of QuantityGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Quantity QName = "LEFT"; QId = 2; QVersion = "1.1"; QDescription = "Temperature Quantity left"; version_date = "199703100900"; DefaultRank = 0; DefaultDimension = UNDEFINED; DefaultDatatype = "DT_FLOAT"; DefaultType_size = UNDEFINED; DefaultMqName = "TEMP_LEFT"; DefaultUnit = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ Predecessor = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Successors = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of Quantity */ QuantityGroup = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance els.of QuantityGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Quantity QName = "RIGHT"; QId = 3; QVersion = "1.1"; QDescription = "Temperature Quantity right"; version_date = "199703100900"; DefaultRank = 0; DefaultDimension = UNDEFINED; DefaultDatatype = "DT_FLOAT"; DefaultType_size = UNDEFINED; DefaultMqName = "TEMP_RIGHT"; DefaultUnit = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ Predecessor = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Successors = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of Quantity */ QuantityGroup = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance els.of QuantityGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Quantity QName = "SPTNR"; QId = 4; QVersion = "1.1"; QDescription = "System point number"; version_date = "199703100900"; DefaultRank = 0; DefaultDimension = UNDEFINED; DefaultDatatype = "DT_LONG"; DefaultType_size = UNDEFINED; DefaultMqName = "SPTNR"; DefaultUnit = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ Predecessor = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Successors = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of Quantity */ QuantityGroup = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance els.of QuantityGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Quantity QName = "N"; QId = 5; QVersion = "1.1"; QDescription = "Revolution"; version_date = "199703100900"; DefaultRank = 0; DefaultDimension = UNDEFINED; DefaultDatatype = "DT_FLOAT"; DefaultType_size = UNDEFINED; DefaultMqName = "N"; DefaultUnit = 4; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ Predecessor = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Successors = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of Quantity */ QuantityGroup = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance els.of QuantityGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Quantity QName = "MD"; QId = 6; QVersion = "1.1"; QDescription = "Torque"; version_date = "199703100900"; DefaultRank = 0; DefaultDimension = UNDEFINED; DefaultDatatype = "DT_FLOAT"; DefaultType_size = UNDEFINED; DefaultMqName = "MD"; DefaultUnit = 6; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ Predecessor = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Successors = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of Quantity */ QuantityGroup = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance els.of QuantityGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Quantity QName = "PL"; QId = 7; QVersion = "1.1"; QDescription = "Pressure left"; version_date = "199703100900"; DefaultRank = 0; DefaultDimension = UNDEFINED; DefaultDatatype = "DT_FLOAT"; DefaultType_size = UNDEFINED; DefaultMqName = "PL"; DefaultUnit = 7; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ Predecessor = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Successors = UNDEFINED; /* Refs to instance elements of Quantity */ QuantityGroup = UNDEFINED; /* Ref to instance els.of QuantityGroup */ ENDINSTELEM; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Instance elements of the application elements Engine and Test // from base type AoTest and AoSubTest // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ INSTELEM Engine EngineName = "TestEngine 1"; EngineId = 1; EngineVersion = "A 1.0"; EngineDescription = "The first test engine"; CreateDate = "19971209141345"; EngineType = "ABC4711"; /* Hel */ bore = 92.; cylindernumber = 6; stroke = 95.3; SubTests = 1; // Ref to instance element of Test EngineUser = 21; // Ref to instance element of User ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Test TestName = "Test-Configuration 1"; TestId = 1; TestVersion = "B20"; TestDescription = "The first test of engine 1"; CreateDate = "19971210101422"; TestType = "Functionality Test"; TestComment = "Test: torque and at special points temperature"; exhaust = "System 4711"; air_filter = "C 12.1"; Measurements = 1,2; /* Refs to instance elements of Measurement */ MainTest = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Engine */ TestUser = 22; /* Ref to instance element of User */ ENDINSTELEM; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Instance elements of the application structure part with // Measurement, MeaQuantity, Submatrix, LocalColumn with value_sequence // for the first measurement // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ INSTELEM Measurement MeaName = "M001A"; MeaId = 1; MeaVersion = "A1"; MeaDescription = "1. Measurement "; MeasurementBegin = "19971210141345"; MeasurementEnd = "19971210162135"; CreateDate = "19971210165331"; /* Hel */ MeaType = "TLM"; MeaComment = "No Problem"; ROZ = UNDEFINED; Test = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Test */ MeaQuantities = 1,2,3;/* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ Submatrices = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Submatrix */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM MeaQuantity MeaQName = "N"; MeaQId = 1; MeaQVersion = "D1"; MeaQDescription = "Number of revolutions"; Rank = 0; Dimension = UNDEFINED; DataType = "DT_FLOAT"; TypeSize = UNDEFINED; Minimum = 500.; Maximum = 3200.; Average = 1850.; Measurement = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Measurement */ LocalColumns = 1; /* Refs to instance elements of LocalColumn */ Quantity = 5; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Unit = 4; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM MeaQuantity MeaQName = "MD"; MeaQId = 2; MeaQVersion = "D"; MeaQDescription = "Torque"; Rank = 0; Dimension = UNDEFINED; DataType = "DT_FLOAT"; Minimum = 150.; Maximum = 255.; Average = 190.; SDeviation = 22.2; Measurement = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Measurement */ LocalColumns = 2; /* Refs to instance elements of LocalColumn */ Quantity = 6; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Unit = 6; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM MeaQuantity MeaQName = "PL"; MeaQId = 3; MeaQVersion = "D"; MeaQDescription = "Pressure "; Rank = 0; Dimension = UNDEFINED; DataType = "DT_FLOAT"; Minimum = 991.2; Maximum = 993.2; Average = 992.0; Measurement = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Measurement */ LocalColumns = 3; /* Refs to instance elements of LocalColumn */ Quantity = 7; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Unit = 7; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Submatrix name = "M001A"; id = 1; version = "1a"; description = "1. Measurement for data transfer via ASAM"; version_date = UNDEFINED; measurement = 1; number_of_rows = 15; local_columns = 1,2,3; /* Refs to instance elements of LocalColumn */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM LocalColumn name = "N"; id = 1; global_flag = 15; independent = TRUE; sequence_representation = "explicit"; minimum = 500.; maximum = 3200.; measurement_quantity = 1; /* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ submatrix = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Submatrix */ values = DATATYPE DT_FLOAT ,500.,700.,900.,1100.,1300.,1400.,1600.,1800.,2000. ,2200.,2400.,2600.,2800.,3000.,3200.; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM LocalColumn name = "MD"; id = 2; global_flag = 15; independent = FALSE; sequence_representation = "explicit"; minimum = 150.; maximum = 255.; measurement_quantity = 2; /* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ submatrix = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Submatrix */ values = DATATYPE DT_FLOAT ,150.,160.,170.,180.,190.,200.,210.,220. ,230.,240.,250.,255.,250.,230.,190.; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM LocalColumn name = "PL"; id = 3; global_flag = 15; independent = FALSE; sequence_representation = "explicit"; minimum = 991.2; maximum = 993.2; measurement_quantity = 3; /* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ submatrix = 1; /* Ref to instance element of AoSubmatrix */ values = DATATYPE DT_FLOAT ,991.2,991.7,991.5,991.9,992.1,987.6,992.2,993. ,993.2,993.2,992.7,993.,993.,992.7,992.7; ENDINSTELEM; /* //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Instance elements of the application structure part with // Measurement, MeaQuantity, Submatrix, LocalColumn with value_sequence // for the second measurement // //------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ INSTELEM Measurement MeaName = "M002A"; MeaId = 2; MeaVersion = "A1"; MeaDescription = "2. Measurement "; MeasurementBegin = "19971211090412"; MeasurementEnd = "19971211121145"; CreateDate = "19971211121522"; /* Hel */ MeaType = "VLM"; MeaComment = "No problem"; ROZ = UNDEFINED; Test = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Test */ MeaQuantities = 4,5,6,7;/* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ Submatrices = 2,3; /* Ref to instance elements of Submatrix */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM MeaQuantity MeaQName = "SPTNR"; MeaQId = 4; MeaQVersion = "A"; MeaQDescription = "System point number "; Rank = 0; Dimension = UNDEFINED; DataType = "DT_LONG"; Minimum = 1.0; Maximum = 15.; Average = 7.5; Measurement = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Measurement */ LocalColumns = 4,7; /* Ref to instance elements of LocalColumn */ Quantity = 4; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Unit = 1; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM MeaQuantity MeaQName = "N"; MeaQId = 5; MeaQVersion = "D"; MeaQDescription = "Revolution "; Rank = 0; DataType = "DT_FLOAT"; Minimum = 500.; Maximum = 3200.; Average = 1850.; Measurement = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Measurement */ LocalColumns = 5; /* Refs to instance elements of LocalColumn */ Quantity = 5; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Unit = 4; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM MeaQuantity MeaQName = "MD"; MeaQId = 6; MeaQVersion = "D"; MeaQDescription = "Torque "; Rank = 0; Dimension = UNDEFINED; DataType = "DT_FLOAT"; Minimum = 152.; Maximum = 257.; Average = 194.; Measurement = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Measurement */ LocalColumns = 6; /* Refs to instance elements of LocalColumn */ Quantity = 6; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Unit = 6; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM MeaQuantity MeaQName = "TEMP1"; MeaQId = 7; MeaQVersion = "D"; MeaQDescription = "Temperature "; Rank = 0; Dimension = UNDEFINED; DataType = "DT_FLOAT"; Minimum = 150.; Maximum = 183.; Average = 169.; Measurement = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Measurement */ LocalColumns = 8; /* Refs to instance elements of LocalColumn */ Quantity = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Quantity */ Unit = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Unit */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Submatrix name = "M002A"; id = 2; version = "1a"; description = "2. Measurement for data transfer via ASAM"; version_date = UNDEFINED; measurement = 2; number_of_rows = 15; local_columns = 4,5,6; /* Refs to instance elements of LocalColumn */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM LocalColumn name = "SPTNR"; id = 4; global_flag = 15; independent = TRUE; sequence_representation = "explicit"; minimum = 1; maximum = 15; measurement_quantity = 4; /* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ submatrix = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Submatrix */ values = DATATYPE DT_SHORT ,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9,10,11,12,13,14,15; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM LocalColumn name = "N"; id = 5; global_flag = 15; independent = FALSE; sequence_representation = "explicit"; minimum = 500.; maximum = 3200.; measurement_quantity = 5; /* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ submatrix = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Submatrix */ values = DATATYPE DT_FLOAT ,500.,700.,900.,1100.,1300.,1400.,1600.,1800. ,2000.,2200.,2400.,2600.,2800.,3000.,3200.; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM LocalColumn name = "MD"; id = 6; global_flag = 15; independent = FALSE; sequence_representation = "explicit"; minimum = 150.; maximum = 255.; measurement_quantity = 6; /* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ submatrix = 2; /* Ref to instance element of Submatrix */ values = DATATYPE DT_FLOAT ,150.,160.,170.,180.,190.,200.,210.,220. ,230.,240.,250.,255.,250.,230.,190.; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM Submatrix name = "M002B"; id = 3; version = "1a"; description = "2. Measurement for data transfer via ASAM"; version_date = UNDEFINED; measurement = 2; number_of_rows = 3; local_columns = 7,8; /* Refs instance elements of LocalColumn */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM LocalColumn name = "SPTNR"; id = 7; global_flag = 15; independent = TRUE; sequence_representation = "explicit"; minimum = 5; maximum = 15; measurement_quantity = 4; /* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ submatrix = 3; /* Ref to instance element of Submatrix */ values = DATATYPE DT_SHORT ,5,10,15; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM LocalColumn name = "TEMP1"; id = 8; global_flag = 15; independent = FALSE; sequence_representation = "explicit"; minimum = 150.; maximum = 183.; measurement_quantity = 7; /* Ref to instance element of MeaQuantity */ submatrix = 3; /* Ref to instance element of Submatrix */ values = DATATYPE DT_FLOAT ,150.,174.,183.; ENDINSTELEM; /* //----------------------------------------------------- // // instance elements of the application elements User and UserGroup // and ACLs for security control of application elements and instances. // //----------------------------------------------------- */ INSTELEM User UserName = "Peter Sellers"; UserId = 21; UserVersion = "1A"; UserDescription = "Super user group 1"; version_date = "199708101105"; UserDepartment = "OP/EFG"; AliasName = "PS"; password = "^1kjws7hxoish^mjkkdjxoöe--@@@kjg798xh0880djdj90"; groups = 30,50; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM User UserName = "Todd Martin"; UserId = 22; UserVersion = "1B"; UserDescription = "Sub user group 1b"; version_date = "199708101105"; UserDepartment = "OP/ABC"; AliasName = "TM"; password = "8snn236ikl=(/($mm22&/&)()NBT/(nger%/0!cv3kjkkkj"; groups = 30,40; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM User UserName = "Otto Biermann"; UserId = 23; UserVersion = "1A"; UserDescription = "Super user group 1"; version_date = "199708101105"; UserDepartment = "OP/EFG"; AliasName = "OB"; password = "89xzhuon3m,ö))?imi/U(/%unpo39048ejdkßdksosüüoü3"; groups = 40,50; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM UserGroup GroupName = "AQ 1"; GroupId = 30; GroupVersion = "00"; GroupDescription= "Group 1"; version_date = "199708101105"; superuser_flag = 0; users = 21,22; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM UserGroup GroupName = "AQ 2"; GroupId = 40; GroupVersion = "00"; GroupDescription= "Group 2"; version_date = "199708101105"; superuser_flag = 0; users = 22,23; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM UserGroup GroupName = "TZU 23"; GroupId = 50; GroupVersion = "00"; GroupDescription= "Group 3"; version_date = "199708101105"; superuser_flag = 1; users = 21,23; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM ACLA users = REF_TYPE UserGroup 30; appl_element_name = "Engine"; rights = 7; attribute_name = UNDEFINED; // protection of whole application element ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM ACLA users = REF_TYPE UserGroup 30; appl_element_name = "Quantity"; rights = 3; attribute_name = "description"; // protection of a specific attribute ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM ACLA users = REF_TYPE UserGroup 40; appl_element_name = "Measurement"; rights = 10; attribute_name = UNDEFINED; // protection of whole application element ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM ACLI users = REF_TYPE UserGroup 50; appl_element_name = "MeaQuantity"; rights = 1; instance_id = 3; // protection of an instance element ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM ACLI users = REF_TYPE UserGroup 40; appl_element_name = "MeaQuantity"; rights = 3; instance_id = 5; // protection of an instance element ENDINSTELEM; /* //----------------------------------------------------- // Initial rights (ACL templates) and their location // and security level //----------------------------------------------------- */ INSTELEM ACLTemplate users = REF_TYPE UserGroup 30; appl_element_name = "Measurement"; rights = 3; instance_id = 2; ref_appl_elem_name= "Test"; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM ACLTemplate users = REF_TYPE UserGroup 40; appl_element_name = "Measurement"; rights = 1; instance_id = 2; ref_appl_elem_name= "Test"; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM InitialRightsAt appl_element_name = "Measurement"; attribute_name = "Test"; ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM SecurityLevel appl_element_name = "Measurement"; level = 7; /* all or specific instances and even attributes */ ENDINSTELEM; INSTELEM SecurityLevel appl_element_name = "Engine"; level = 1; /* only all instances */ ENDINSTELEM; ATF_END;